Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Not a bad day - very relaxed.
Popped round to see mum this morning and found out that my sister & brother in law were already there so had an hour's catch up. Eventually got round to cutting the grass after a coffee & a sausage roll for lunch and followed that up by loading the car with the cut up mattress parts and was surprised to find that I could get everything in with space to spare. After another coffee & sausage roll I then went out for a four mile walk to build an appetite for tea.
For some reason I've not been getting the map showing when I upload walking activities from my Garmin Venu but it does for cycling activities uploaded from the Garmin 530.


Leg End Member
Not a bad day - very relaxed.
Popped round to see mum this morning and found out that my sister & brother in law were already there so had an hour's catch up. Eventually got round to cutting the grass after a coffee & a sausage roll for lunch and followed that up by loading the car with the cut up mattress parts and was surprised to find that I could get everything in with space to spare. After another coffee & sausage roll I then went out for a four mile walk to build an appetite for tea.
For some reason I've not been getting the map showing when I upload walking activities from my Garmin Venu but it does for cycling activities uploaded from the Garmin 530.
Phantom footsteps, so not counted.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh, that was definitely not the day I'd planned on having... :banghead:

Started off well enough. Slept well, had a lovely walk around the community orchard and local nature reserve with a friend and her dogs, and then dropped off a jar of homemade jam at the watchmaker's.

Started sorting out stuff for luncheon, and realised I needed to go to the utility room behind the garage for a tub of yoghurt and a new roll of kitchen paper. Open the door and oh sh*t... What's all this water on the floor. So I search for the source of the growing puddle.

Which was being fed by a steady drip, drip, drip from the bottom of the freezer door.

Open the freezer to almost total carnage. :cry:

I managed to salvage a shoulder of lamb, three beef joints and a couple of other bits that were still frozen. Those got shoved into the freezing compartment in the fridge. I have some partially defrosted turkey, steaks and gammon that I shall cook up tomorrow, and alas, the remainder got chucked into a couple of empty log bins and carted off to the tip. I also had to clean the floor, remove the ice from the freezer and dry it out.

However, not all of the defrosted stuff got wasted - which kind of made up for things a little. The chap who was helping me dispose of the stuff (it's so nice to have a big bloke to lift heavy stuff) spotted the meat, and asked me if he could have it - for his pet RAVEN! The bird, who incidentally is called George, will be in seventh heaven with the salvaged beef, lamb and duck.

That done, I still had to go shopping as I needed bread, milk and some fruit & veg. Had one of those spend £60 and get £6 off, so made up the difference with eight boxes of Felix AGAIL.

Anyways, I plan on doing diddly squat for the remainder of the evening. And I shall self-medicate with some heavy-duty chocolate.
You'd have been struggling a bit then as it was the written paper. It's not so much the parents but the school playing with the league tables i've also done Russian and Cantonese in the past.

Well, I did my Polish GCSE in 1989 (took it 2 years early) and my A-level in 1992. Got an A for the former, a C for the latter, mainly because by then, I really couldn't be arsed and was simply going through the motions.
Doorbell rang - a tree surgeon wondering if I wanted my rather large conifer lopping. Well yes, how much? Price was reasonable so as he was working round the corner it was soon lopped.
Weather forecast wrong again as the afternoon was largely sunny with the odd cloudy moment - completely the opposite to the prediction.
One for @Reynard the local cat ex kitten is a not quite a genuine Snowshoe as its father presumably was, its mother was a "farm cat". Its owner was offered him in exchange for a box of chocolates which strikes me as a bit of a bargain - definately has four white paws and a white nose.

This is the GCCF profile for a Snowshoe:


Leg End Member
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh, that was definitely not the day I'd planned on having... :banghead:

Started off well enough. Slept well, had a lovely walk around the community orchard and local nature reserve with a friend and her dogs, and then dropped off a jar of homemade jam at the watchmaker's.

Started sorting out stuff for luncheon, and realised I needed to go to the utility room behind the garage for a tub of yoghurt and a new roll of kitchen paper. Open the door and oh sh*t... What's all this water on the floor. So I search for the source of the growing puddle.

Which was being fed by a steady drip, drip, drip from the bottom of the freezer door.

Open the freezer to almost total carnage. :cry:

I managed to salvage a shoulder of lamb, three beef joints and a couple of other bits that were still frozen. Those got shoved into the freezing compartment in the fridge. I have some partially defrosted turkey, steaks and gammon that I shall cook up tomorrow, and alas, the remainder got chucked into a couple of empty log bins and carted off to the tip. I also had to clean the floor, remove the ice from the freezer and dry it out.

However, not all of the defrosted stuff got wasted - which kind of made up for things a little. The chap who was helping me dispose of the stuff (it's so nice to have a big bloke to lift heavy stuff) spotted the meat, and asked me if he could have it - for his pet RAVEN! The bird, who incidentally is called George, will be in seventh heaven with the salvaged beef, lamb and duck.

That done, I still had to go shopping as I needed bread, milk and some fruit & veg. Had one of those spend £60 and get £6 off, so made up the difference with eight boxes of Felix AGAIL.

Anyways, I plan on doing diddly squat for the remainder of the evening. And I shall self-medicate with some heavy-duty chocolate.
New fridge freezer time?
New fridge freezer time?


Well, I actually currently have a separate fridge and freezer in the utility room, but as the fridge is also quite elderly and also has its problems (the door seal is becoming brittle with age), I'm going to get an integrated fridge freezer instead.

I can't complain, as I had the freezer for nearly 30 years.

My two requisites for a replacement (other than a circa £400 budget) is that a) the freezer half needs to be of a similar size - 100 litres - to the old one, and b) ideally, I'd like to be able to reach the top shelf of the fridge without having to resort to standing on a stool.

Although of course, the latter criteria might be something of an, ahem, TALL order... :whistle:
Blue sky with some cloud here this morning.
They are saying that some polls are suggesting that Richie Sunak could lose his seat. Perhaps he should get up early and put his towel on it!
I was lying awake waiting for our alarm to go off, my brain was thinking. The Great Pyramid of Giza. They say that it was covered in white polished limestone with a gold cap on top. If you were on the sunny side of it during the day it would have been blinding! But have people thought what it would have looked like lit up by a full moon at night? It would have been visible for miles!
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