Mundane News

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Leg End Member
I just remembered a bit of a dream I had. Some stupid councillors had introduced a one way system for pedestrians! I was arguing with a councillor saying that if you dropped something like litter which was blown behind you you couldn't go back to pick it up!
I think my pulse had slowed right down and my brain must have thought that if I became agitated it might speed up. It happened once before. The dream was about driving up a steep slope. I went over the top and discovered it was the edge of a cliff! :ohmy: That got my heart pumping!
You are going to have to stop listening to these PPB's and the news.


Legendary Member
I arrived earlier in Dumfries via the old military road with detours to surrounding villages to see what was of interest.

Rode with some road bikers for a few miles who were surprised I could keep up on a loaded Brompton. I was surprised too but didn't say so! Very friendly people.

Out in a pub having dinner now. Something called football is apparently happening. A strange affair, it seems to involve gathering around the television in the corner of the bar and shouting at it. I prefer cycling. Less noisy!

I will be two nights here, going to walk about a bit and visit the Robert Burns house and anything else of interests that i find.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
There's just one other guy ignoring it. He's sitting doing the crossword in his newspaper.

He'll either be Swiss or English and to a Scotsman they're the same this evening.

And no, I'm not watching it. Someone's dropped a pile of marked student work into my inbox to review and that is much more preferable than watching 22 men chasing a bag of wind.


Legendary Member
He'll either be Swiss or English and to a Scotsman they're the same this evening.

And no, I'm not watching it. Someone's dropped a pile of marked student work into my inbox to review and that is much more preferable than watching 22 men chasing a bag of wind.

I think washing the dishes is more interesting than watching football.

I wish I had a newspaper so I could look intelligent while I sit here and finish my drink!


Legendary Member
virgin are currently causing chaos in the village digg up pavements to install cabling.SIL had Virgin installed and had numerous problems with both Tv and phone Eventually he had enough with trying to get problems resolved and went back to BT.
For various reasons to do with NTL in the past, I won't have anything to do with Virgin.

Edited to add - If you want to see trafffic chaos in action, just have Cadent randomly dig up roads in your area, badly fill in the holes and then come back two months later to dig more holes.


All at sea⛵
OK. Who knows Paul from Ipswich?
Currently touring the N Kent coast. By happenstance we bumped into each other around Whitstable.

Cycled together to Faversham and saw him off on the route to Sittingbourne. Did try and deter him from going the Sittingbourne.
Anyway a jolly few Kms together

You can book a guide to this bit of Kent. Used beer tokens work.
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