Mundane News

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Leg End Member
virgin are currently causing chaos in the village digg up pavements to install cabling.SIL had Virgin installed and had numerous problems with both Tv and phone Eventually he had enough with trying to get problems resolved and went back to BT.
We'd more power failures, water leaks and gas leaks when their contractor was putting the fibre in place than I can remember.
Get home at night and find you've neither electric or gas due to both having been struck, again.


Oh, and I did Polish waaaaaaay back when. Both at GCSE and A level.

Not really had much use of it since, but the parentals insisted and so I had no choice in the matter. OTOH, I can still read well enough and listen / watch stuff. Spoken and written is a tad more rusty.
You'd have been struggling a bit then as it was the written paper. It's not so much the parents but the school playing with the league tables i've also done Russian and Cantonese in the past.
My Polish is limited to what I learn from the lads in the driver's rest room..
I doubt it would gain me any plaudits with the exem board 😂
When my dad was involved in a local independent political party who just got on with helping people and fixing stuff. They also did a good job holding council to account. They helped secure an old school for use as polish club. The polish community did all the work in the evenings and my dad also helped convert it. So pick up good basic polish along the way it came in handy at times. In town we had a cafe owned by a polish family so he use to be able to order drinks and food in polish.


Itching to get back on my bike's
virgin are currently causing chaos in the village digg up pavements to install cabling.SIL had Virgin installed and had numerous problems with both Tv and phone Eventually he had enough with trying to get problems resolved and went back to BT.

We have never really had any issues with them at all .
Man been this morning and checked everything and found the splitter box we had was an original one from when we swapped from ntl to virgin that had been causing virgin problems for donkey years so replaced that and he seems to think everything is going well so will see.


Ebike back to paying for itself with a 7.8 mile petrol consuming free ride to Lidl and back. Traffic not too bad for a midweek late morning bar the typically slow moving westbound A59 towards the town centre. That immediately left at the first junction on the return.
Amongst the purchases a bag of oranges for 99p and the last bag of Italiamo Croccantini, which can probably be described as being like a hard Ferrero Rocher but fundamentally free of wheat, barley etc


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Bin's have bin emptied.


Doorbell rang - a tree surgeon wondering if I wanted my rather large conifer lopping. Well yes, how much? Price was reasonable so as he was working round the corner it was soon lopped.
Weather forecast wrong again as the afternoon was largely sunny with the odd cloudy moment - completely the opposite to the prediction.
One for @Reynard the local cat ex kitten is a not quite a genuine Snowshoe as its father presumably was, its mother was a "farm cat". Its owner was offered him in exchange for a box of chocolates which strikes me as a bit of a bargain - definately has four white paws and a white nose.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Spits of rain first thing this morning but dry from then on.
Got a trike run early while it was still pretty cold. Clothing just a little less than winter so just about right.

Down in the main car park spied a familiar vehicle and an old friend was working on his latest boat, an 18 ft cabin cruiser he had just bought from a widow he rather fancies who appears to be a millionaire.
He is aged at least 96 and a widower. Strange he claims to have checked her background out but I wonder? Could be an impersonator after his dosh.:ohmy:
In addition he has the ugliest dog I have ever seen which he claims cost him £2020.
He still has one of my old boats he has been working on for the past 3 or 4 years.

FB has friend suggestions and one suggested to me is my eldest son who died in 2017. He was a lecturer on computers but I did not know he was immortal.
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