Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Oh, and I did Polish waaaaaaay back when. Both at GCSE and A level.

Not really had much use of it since, but the parentals insisted and so I had no choice in the matter. OTOH, I can still read well enough and listen / watch stuff. Spoken and written is a tad more rusty.

My Polish is limited to what I learn from the lads in the driver's rest room..
I doubt it would gain me any plaudits with the exem board 😂


Legendary Member
I've had an eventful evening! Now in a Kirkobright hotel. Took forever to get here as I followed the Sustrans NCN 7 signs that took me into a forest, I missed a tiny sign where I should have turned off, came to a dead end, had to retrace my steps to where i should have turned off, had to lift my bike over fallen trees, and eventually re-joined the road and discovered a road sign that told me I was only 4.5 miles from Gatehouse of Fleet but it had taken 90 mins to cover that thanks to the completely pointless detour. NCN7 continues on that road the rest of the way to Kirkobright so why put up signs to send people on a pointless and time-consuming detour?

I got to the hotel I had pre-booked, checked in, went and got washed and went to the restaurant and got told they took last orders for food at 8pm. My watch told me it was 8:03!! The receptionist had locked my bike in a shed for me but I couldn't find him to get it out again so I walked the two miles into town to get a takeaway, ate it down at the very nice harbour and then walked back again.

I had reset my cycle computer coming off the ferry on Thursday and I seen this evening as I was putting the bike in the shed that I have covered 199.98 miles so far on this trip. I should have ridden down the drive and back to put it over the 200! That's good over sixty per day average in reality as the only cycling I did on Thursday was from the ferry terminal at Cairnryan to the B&B in Stranraer.

I have consumed an awful lot of food in the past few days!

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Shows the difference between the two systems.

That, and we seem to be dedicated to having only two parties, and as with all humanity, nothing is done for truly altruistic reasons, unless your operatives are teenagers. Everyone past that age is in it for something, and I do not mind throwing in a few dollars for a good pulled pork sandwich, slaw, and fries. I get to meet others and visit with political types. I deliver some votes here and there. I have about as much political pull as a Vauxhall Chevette, but it beats walking.


Leg End Member
That, and we seem to be dedicated to having only two parties, and as with all humanity, nothing is done for truly altruistic reasons, unless your operatives are teenagers. Everyone past that age is in it for something, and I do not mind throwing in a few dollars for a good pulled pork sandwich, slaw, and fries. I get to meet others and visit with political types. I deliver some votes here and there. I have about as much political pull as a Vauxhall Chevette, but it beats walking.
We've just shy of 400 registered parties over here. Think about what you could be missing the next time you're tucking into a pulled pork sandwich.
Fries or no fries...


Itching to get back on my bike's
Time to put the kettle on me thinks
That was standard M&S practice hence the factory shops that were full of M&S seconds, typically with nothing wrong with them. Remember a pair of trousers that eventually got returned to them when my mother finally realised my complaints were genuine - the two halfs of the trousers were different waist sizes.

I gave up buying from them because the stitching just came apart.
I just remembered a bit of a dream I had. Some stupid councillors had introduced a one way system for pedestrians! I was arguing with a councillor saying that if you dropped something like litter which was blown behind you you couldn't go back to pick it up!
I think my pulse had slowed right down and my brain must have thought that if I became agitated it might speed up. It happened once before. The dream was about driving up a steep slope. I went over the top and discovered it was the edge of a cliff! :ohmy: That got my heart pumping!
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