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Legendary Member
Refreshment time before the final 15 miles for today. A dull start but unbelievably warm and sunny at the moment.



I do miss running 'proper' exams for my university students. Running them online is definitely not the same.

Though only having 3 doing it can make it feel like the time is going a bit too slow. On the plus side like this afternoon you can let them go a bit early, I was not keeping 3 back just because the end time was 15 mins early to school home time. I mean they have left and it's the last exam for them. What are they going to do about ? it's just the school having a last bit of control.


Finally a few spots of rain, been forecast since 3 in quantity that has not yet arrived. My walk around town was hence unnecessarily undertaken with a summer rain jacket on with the sun instead present. Should have mentioned a film crew was all set up with a tent for monitors and another for refreshments. Seemed the filming itself was taking place inside a building. Apparently Tom Cruise was seen yesterday.
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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
It's gone a bit black outside it's now been joined by thunder and lighting the reported heavy rain can't be long behind.

We got that as well, it came right over-head and dumped a stack of rain with localised flooding. Except where I am as I live on the top of a hill.

Oh, and re. 3 for an exam; mine were usually 150+ so a bit more complex, except for re-sits. It's the contract students with scribes / PC's / etc. we sometimes have that have separate rooms that are difficult as well. Son no. 2 is always in a separate room for exams at his university and they've lost mislaid a question paper at least once.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A day of bright sunny spells for a few minutes each then black clouds for ages but no rain so far.
My car came back at lunch time with the invoice on the driver's seat. Ouch!
Never thought a resistor would be so expensive and labour costs for two hours plus vat of course. They also reset the warning light for service due.

Got fuel as well and when I came out the car behind me was still struggling with the card payment machine and said he had 4 attempts so far and it would not work. He had put the hose nozzle into his car tank before going to pay and I suspect it does not work unless you sort the card system first before taking the hose out of the mounting.

More potential bills as my shaver suddenly gave up this morning with no warning so I think a new shaver is inevitable. Mind you I might grow a beard again which just needed scissors now and then so only the top lip needs to get done daily and an ordinary disposable type razor does for that.
It's been a warm, slightly humid and mostly sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

I did not sleep well as lady issues kept sending me to the little girls' room. Ah well, hey ho, only two more days to go. Spent the morning doing some errands in town.

The art shop / W H Smith were both a bust - I'm looking for a clip / spring back binder for my photo catalogue, but all the available options were not big enough. The largest, which was a display book with 50 clear pockets, would still leave me 14 pages short, and I don't want to bridge the catalogue across multiple folders if I can help it. So I shall have a look on the Brazilian River or the Bay of E to see if something suitable can't be found. There should be, as I have two springback binders, but alas they are already occupied with a manuscript in each.

My other primary errand was to drop off my new-to-me Eberhard at the watchmaker for a service, as it kept stopping. I did some other stuff while he had a look and gave me a quote. When I came back, he said it didn't need a service. He then showed me a piece of what looked like leather or a bit of old gasket that he'd found floating around in the movement and had become stuck - which was why the watch had stopped working. So he tested the watch, handed it back to me and said "no charge". So as he refused to accept payment, I shall drop him off a jar of homemade jam tomorrow on the way back from meeting up with a friend for our usual weekly dog walk.

Anyways, it is time to feed the cat, and then it will be time to feed me.


We got that as well, it came right over-head and dumped a stack of rain with localised flooding. Except where I am as I live on the top of a hill.

Oh, and re. 3 for an exam; mine were usually 150+ so a bit more complex, except for re-sits. It's the contract students with scribes / PC's / etc. we sometimes have that have separate rooms that are difficult as well. Son no. 2 is always in a separate room for exams at his university and they've lost mislaid a question paper at least once.

Access arguments students can be hard work we use to have rooms all over the place. When the academy came in they clapped down. Now mostly in one or two bigger rooms now with TA do most of them. A lot who need readers now use reader pens , ones using PCs is a bit more complex getting the work to print off is normally the hard part. Then getting back to them to sign it off before sending off all takes time. The big exams are over now so today Design Tec only had 28 I had the extra timers. This afternoon was Polish only 3 do it. All polish as it happens. The other school I’m going to start working for has over 400 in the year group so it will be back to working multiple rooms are well as one very big room.


Legendary Member
There were a few large drops of water while I was out this afternoon, but not enought to be considered as proper rain. The wind did turn to come from the north or north east and picked up enough to be a bit chilly.

I have sawn up a couple of old memory foam mattresses and thrown the bits into my back garden via my bedroom window so a tip run will need to be booked for Thursday when they open next. I've been meaning to get rid of them for some time and it's two less heavy items to move around when the carpets are fitted.
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