Mundane News

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Been for a walk and shopping combined effort.i also stopped off for a latte and sat outside to watch the new road junction being built.Which is funny cos nobody wants it.It has made an utter mess of traffic flow which it was supposed to sort out.All objections all ideas from the public were thrown out.Now we are paying the price.
I bet @rockyroller has some opinions about it, I think he flies kites out there on The Cape.
"Cape Cast" is a fun & goofy set of vignettes focused on Cape Cod & often brings up interesting history. the clips are very short, sometimes that is good, but sometimes it only piques one's interest even more

I have not been there (the "Knob"). We're usually too panicked to make our ferry to explore Woods Hole. Altho, a few weeks ago, I was early for my ferry & got this nice photo of a setting moon in the Woods Hole area

that "knob" would be a challenging place to fly a kite, with or without a camera. I always have to plan for a crash & retrieval. for example, this is an easy place to fly & crash ... :biggrin:
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Just been to the local post box which is well hidden behind a bush. Nobody seems to look after these things nowadays. I know it is in use because I see the van stop there for the once a day collection.
Not raining but still very cold small gale.
I had to post forms to the electoral registration people after a long fight with electronic paperwork if that makes sense. You are supposed to be able to do it all on line but the system refuses to allow me to check my voter status and postal vote status this way so had to download forms and post off. Even finding where to post the forms to was a struggle and I had to resort to phoning to confirm this.
Postal voting duration is now limited to 3 years when it used to be unlimited.
At one time it was easy to check your status by looking at the voter’s register available in many places but not any more.
It almost seems like the system is now designed to discourage people from voting.
A grey and blustery day here chez Casa Reynard, neither warm nor cool.

I slept well, and had a quiet morning catching up on some correspondence. Had a lovely luncheon of a chicken and cheese sandwich (chunk of baguette), a pear, a nectarine and two :cuppa:

I am about to go outside and put the last two tomato plants into their respective planters and do a couple of other things in the garden. With luck, I should be done before the rain hits. At least I won't need to water anything.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I need to check with our fashionista Accy of Lancashire.I am not sure if brown flares and W I D E lapels are still in vogue.I am sure shiny brown Hush Puppies will pass muster.It seems a shame to spend a fortune on a new suit,when one does not know how much time one has left.^_^:becool::laugh::notworthy:

My “ best “ suit has wider lapels than is currently fashionable and it will not be replaced for the reason you mention of old age and infirmity. I do have another inferior one which was too tight but having lost weight it might just work now.
I do have a kilt for most occasions but my legs are not as they used to be so I am not too sure about that. The ancient look is a bit extreme.:sad:
Got some green lentils boiling but no idea what I am going to do with them once ready. My cooking these days tends to be a bit spur of the moment.
No idea why I have green lentils in the first place. :rolleyes:

Mejadra is a good thing to do with green lentils. One of the world's best comfort foods IMHO.

Slice up a couple of large onions. Throw them into a pan with some oil and fry till golden. Then throw in cooked rice, green lentils (about a 1:1 ratio), plus salt, pepper and a generous quantity of ground allspice. Stir till piping hot.

This is good to eat on its own, but goes well with a load of other things, including steamed fish, fried / poached / turkish eggs, and grilled lamb kebabs. :hungry:


Been for a walk and shopping combined effort.i also stopped off for a latte and sat outside to watch the new road junction being built.Which is funny cos nobody wants it.It has made an utter mess of traffic flow which it was supposed to sort out.All objections all ideas from the public were thrown out.Now we are paying the price.

Probably designed by the same clown who thought two lanes both straight on at a junction, one also being a left turn the other right was better than three lanes, one left one staight on and one right. Result now an air quality management area. The northbound is the worse as the left turn is very slow speed while the other lane is blocked by right turning vehicles.
It started raining here half an hour ago - just as I was packing up in the garden. Talk about timing.

But now all the tomato plants are now in their permanent growing positions, new support stakes have been driven in (the parental pulled out the old ones last autumn despite being told to leave them in situ) and another batch of forget-me-not seed has been acquired. I now have enough to a) sent some to a friend, b) take some down to Hampshire when I go down there next month to scatter in the wildflower meadow in the churchyard, and c) donate the remainder to the local nature reserve.

I am now enjoying a nice :cuppa: and a biskit.
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