Mundane News

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All at sea⛵
Mostly sunny but still a cold wind.
Went for a walk and it was warm in a hollow but freezing once I got over the top of the rise. Couple of ebikes with people I have never seen before heading up a dead end road.
The trailer tent ad is a bit ambiguous as it says free but later asks for offers. Not bothering anyway.

Yacht stuck in the ledge at the main entrance to Oban bay. This is in fact the old sewer outlet and regularly catches people as it is shallower than expected. It used to be marked by one bouy but now there is a multitude of them supposed to guide boats safely in or out.
Trouble is people do not check and assume the flood tide runs into the bay here but in fact the flood runs out here.
The colour of the bouy dictates which side to pass according to which way the tide runs. Get it wrong and you end up perched on the sewer pipe till the tide rises again.:eek:

Ah, but if you do a 7 day super course in Bulgaria you miss out that sort of trivia.
Things like, look at the chart and the buoys are there for a reason.
And you won't learn that you never win anything up against a Calmac
Had a lovely luncheon of a decent chunk of baguette with some salami and cheese, plus a tangerine, a pear and two :cuppa: I also shared the three strawberries I picked the other day from the garden, and they were the mutt's nuts. Seriously, the flavour was just on another planet compared to the bought ones. OK, the fruits are much smaller as a result of not being continuously watered, but as a result, they tasted very strawberry-ish.

Put the two cherry tomato plants into their respective planters. I have one "Tumbling Tom", a variety I've had before, but the other is "Tumbler" which is a new one to me. We shall see which has the best fruits. I also potted on the self-seeded beefsteak tomato, which the friend I go walking with has decided she wants. It's a little behind the ones I bought in the garden centre, but it's already got flower buds. And I found a wee conifer had sprouted in one of the planters, so it's been put in its own little pot. In a few years, I'll have a mini Christmas tree!

It was sunny for a bit, so thought I might bum park in my camping chair with a book. But then it clouded over again, and it was too cool to sit outside. Ergo I dusted Max the MTB off and went for a gentle bimble to Pymoor. Unlike @Jenkins I escaped the rain and single figure temperatures, but wind & showerproof jacket and long trousers (in my case jeans, as I couldn't be bothered to hunt for my cycling stuff) was definitely a must.

Now sat enjoying a nice :cuppa:
Evangelical Religion (I assume you mean Evangelical Christianity) is an unfortunate term because it is nearly meaningless. From experience, an "Evangelical" in Germany or indeed the UK, would probably practice their faith in a very different way to an evangelical in the US. Historically, it was "Evangelical" believers in the UK who were at the forefront of the trades union movement and human rights. In many countries, they have lead, and are leading environmental movements.

I meant the US lot, given the thread of conversation. I should have been more specific. :blush:
Slight dinner mistake. Broke off the depositing of limestone chipping to put the scampi in the oven. Found an open box and put the contents on the hot baking tray. 18 minutes later, um... flip. The open box was plainky mistakenly open and was full.



Just this week i saw a joke.A man is not complete till he is married.Then he is finished.Well our son is on holiday in Rome with his gf.This is their first proper holiday without any family members or friends.It is a five year celebration.Well he has only gone and proposed and she has said yes.Now this might be too exciting for mundane news.But we are over the moon.


So after being a pig, or should that be a sea monster, (thankfully it was only a box with two servings of Scampi in it) decided on the corner shop used coffee pod trek. Discovered it was closed, now shuts at 7. Sure it use to open to 10.
Just enough room in the rucksack for a couple of things from Aldi. There was a dog tied up outside occasionally barking for its owner. You still here ? I enquired when leaving which silenced it with a bemused expression.
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