Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Cloudy but dry and cold today.
Somebody is offering a free trailer tent which just needs a bit of stitching of the seams, or so they claim anyway. If I had anywhere to keep it I could be tempted to have a look.
Does anybody else have sweary words for computer passwords? I had to reset one last evening and the fruit loop kept telling me the chosen ones were not acceptable for a variety of reasons.
Swore at them in exasperation which was acceptable. :wacko:


Legendary Member
Good morning from a grey and uninspiring start to the day in Suffolk. Two coffees down and just starting to feel human again.
Breakfast was just a couple of damp Weetabix as I didn't realise there was so little milk left, so going to the local shop my first priority of the day. With any luck the washing should be finished by the time I get back.


Legendary Member
Does anybody else have sweary words for computer passwords? I had to reset one last evening and the fruit loop kept telling me the chosen ones were not acceptable for a variety of reasons.
Swore at them in exasperation which was acceptable. :wacko:
For a so-called security conscious Civil Service, password allowance was remarkably lax - for the couple of years before retirement our passwords had to be three words, number strings or symbol combinations separated by hyphens. Mine were three exceptionally sweary words in plain language and the system simply accepted them.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
The problem we have is that it's "first past the post" so other than at local level, a lot of the smaller parties don't have overly much of a voice. The make-up of parliament would be somewhat different if representational were proportional - although perhaps not massively so. It's not a perfect system, but it's worked well enough, I guess.

The Conservatives and Labour are quite broad churches, but nothing like your Republicans and Democrats. here there are enough other factions nicking votes from the edges of both to keep everyone on their toes. Although my impression of American politics is that the playing field is skewed decidedly further to the right than it is here.

I believe you are correct, but I think the long term trend is to the left. Rightist politics has long relied on evangelical religion for a base, and that base is crumbling.


a chap from the Monster Raving Loony party

I think I'd vote for one of them if we had one.
A cool, breezy and grey day here chez Casa Reynard - but we seem to have (so far) avoided the forecast showers.

Slept well and spent the morning out with a friend, walking some local trails with her dogs. She and I had a good old gas, and we set the world (or at least the Cat Fancy) to rights. Stopped off at the book exchange on the way home and picked out a cook book that said friend might like, and an interesting-looking (and brand new) tome on the history of Royal Warrants.

If it doesn't rain this afternoon, I intend on a) putting some more tomatoes into their respective planters and b) maybe squeezing in a short bicycular bimble.

It is just about time for luncheon.

There is a tiddly spider (probably picked up whilst walking) perambulating on my nose. It tickles horribly.
I believe you are correct, but I think the long term trend is to the left. Rightist politics has long relied on evangelical religion for a base, and that base is crumbling.

The purpose of evangelical religion is something that rather escapes me. As a group, they strike me as being most un-Christian.

And I do hope that you are correct. Politics here lacks compassion as it is, but Trumpism really takes the biscuit...
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