Mundane News

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The purpose of evangelical religion is something that rather escapes me. As a group, they strike me as being most un-Christian.

And I do hope that you are correct. Politics here lacks compassion as it is, but Trumpism really takes the biscuit...

Evangelical Religion (I assume you mean Evangelical Christianity) is an unfortunate term because it is nearly meaningless. From experience, an "Evangelical" in Germany or indeed the UK, would probably practice their faith in a very different way to an evangelical in the US. Historically, it was "Evangelical" believers in the UK who were at the forefront of the trades union movement and human rights. In many countries, they have lead, and are leading environmental movements.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...

Anyone you know @Reynard ? 🤔


Legendary Member
For a so-called security conscious Civil Service, password allowance was remarkably lax - for the couple of years before retirement our passwords had to be three words, number strings or symbol combinations separated by hyphens. Mine were three exceptionally sweary words in plain language and the system simply accepted them.

I used to program business telephone systems. Someone leaving a company and not leaving their voice mailbox password was a common thing with our customers. There are ways of hacking it depending on system, but 98% of the time, 1234 worked as most seemed to use that!


Legendary Member
I used to program business telephone systems. Someone leaving a company and not leaving their voice mailbox password was a common thing with our customers. There are ways of hacking it depending on system, but 98% of the time, 1234 worked as most seemed to use that!

Our systems used to actively block the obvious 'password' or '1234' type of password, but not ****, ****, or ******** for example (you will have to guess the naughty words :laugh:)


Legendary Member
This 'summer' can go do one as far as I'm concerned. The middle third of June and I've just got in from a bike ride with the last 15 miles being in unforecast rain and temperatures in single figures

Even though it's my idea of holiday hell, buggering off and sitting by a pool slowly cooking myself in the sunshine is quite tempting at the moment.
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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Cloudy but dry and cold today.
Somebody is offering a free trailer tent which just needs a bit of stitching of the seams, or so they claim anyway. If I had anywhere to keep it I could be tempted to have a look.
Does anybody else have sweary words for computer passwords? I had to reset one last evening and the fruit loop kept telling me the chosen ones were not acceptable for a variety of reasons.
Swore at them in exasperation which was acceptable. :wacko:

It's worthwhile getting a password manager to handle passwords. It'll even create them for you. I use Bitwarden, it's free for personal use.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Mostly sunny but still a cold wind.
Went for a walk and it was warm in a hollow but freezing once I got over the top of the rise. Couple of ebikes with people I have never seen before heading up a dead end road.
The trailer tent ad is a bit ambiguous as it says free but later asks for offers. Not bothering anyway.

Yacht stuck in the ledge at the main entrance to Oban bay. This is in fact the old sewer outlet and regularly catches people as it is shallower than expected. It used to be marked by one bouy but now there is a multitude of them supposed to guide boats safely in or out.
Trouble is people do not check and assume the flood tide runs into the bay here but in fact the flood runs out here.
The colour of the bouy dictates which side to pass according to which way the tide runs. Get it wrong and you end up perched on the sewer pipe till the tide rises again.:eek:
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