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Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
All the political parties you folk have sounds like a good idea, We try to shoehorn everyone into two parties, each a broad church full of internal dissent. I have traveled the whole gamut of The Left myself. Gone from Bolshie to Democratic Socialist to Center Left. I cannot travel any farther.
All the political parties you folk have sounds like a good idea, We try to shoehorn everyone into two parties, each a broad church full of internal dissent. I have traveled the whole gamut of The Left myself. Gone from Bolshie to Democratic Socialist to Center Left. I cannot travel any farther.

The problem we have is that it's "first past the post" so other than at local level, a lot of the smaller parties don't have overly much of a voice. The make-up of parliament would be somewhat different if representational were proportional - although perhaps not massively so. It's not a perfect system, but it's worked well enough, I guess.

The Conservatives and Labour are quite broad churches, but nothing like your Republicans and Democrats. here there are enough other factions nicking votes from the edges of both to keep everyone on their toes. Although my impression of American politics is that the playing field is skewed decidedly further to the right than it is here.


Itching to get back on my bike's
First cuppa went down well despite being a bit more milky than normal, must have a word with the person that made it...
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