Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Hazy sunshine most of the day with the occasional spit of rain but nothing serious.
Sat in the waiting room for audiology and actually met somebody I knew. Mostly when I go to the surgery I know nobody who happens to be there. The place is so full of recent settlers that older residents have faded into the background.

The coop lorry has a very tight corner to reverse to the unloading bay. Today a touroid parked a car so that the lorry is stuck and cannot get out to head back for the ferry. In the past a gang would be quickly assembled and the offender bumped out of the way but things like that never happen nowadays.
Lorry in the ditch on the single track as a touroid car refused to exceed 35mph and would not let the lorry pass either. After a few miles the lorry driver gave a blast on his horn so the offending car slammed it's brakes on causing the lorry to take evasive action and ending in the ditch.
All the eye witnesses to this take the lorry driver's side and blame the car creating the situation as well as braking suddenly for no reason.
If you are travelling to a timetable and have to get back for a specific ferry sailing impatience is understandable and there will certainly be more similar incidents over the summer.
Cycling on this road is no fun and I certainly would not take my trike on it.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
@tom73 - I hope Mrs tom73's situation is resolved; it's not nice when you're bearing the brunt of a system change.

Re. the election stuff and boundary changes: Dewsbury's has changed and the predictor system has it as a 97% chance for a Labour MP (currently Conservative), who's been dropped in from London to stand. But ... there's an independent-ish candidate standing on a Gaza-only policy who may disrupt things, which happened in the local council elections last month. I'll wait and see what happens.


Legendary Member
When one gets holed the other is no use unlike plain black ones which could still be paired up. Bit miffed by one unique pair where a hole unusually appeared above the ankle on one.

Can’t remember last time had a hole in my socks
I do remember in the dim and distant past my mum stuffing one of those wooden mushroom things down the sock making it easier to darn.
Back in the days when socks were made from wool.No synthetics back then.


On election blurb the current local Tory is listing the removal of Pacer trains, as could many other MPs. Reminds me of the PMs saved HS2 monies pledge of more electric buses for Harrogate (er.. already ordered) and the failed independent in the Mayoral election promising bathing water rights for Knaresborough - which happened anyway less than a fortnight later.


Legendary Member
There's probably a reason we're both single....

I don't have many but a date is one of those situations for wearing good socks!


Legendary Member
I think I may have overdone the cooked breakfast as the only thing I've eaten since then has been a couple of slices of toast & butter. Things are loking a bit quiet on the nights away front - the next one isn't until Late July, one more in mid August and then nothing until late October when things start getting busy again. It'll give me a chance to start saving again for the rail tickets.

I think it's time for a hot chocolate and a look to see what the options are for at least one day away in September are.
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