Mundane News

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Rare event after todays wash, all socked paired together with no unmatched ones.
M&S sell socks with a different colour tip on the toes of each pair.

Had a lovely luncheon of a toasted sesame seed bagel filled with cheese and chicken, plus a pear, an orange and two :cuppa:

Afternoon was spent mainly doing kitchen / food stuff. The bread is now in the oven, I've put away the shopping, removed fruit & veg from packaging (packaging now in the soft plastics recycling), refilled the fruit bowls, sourced ingredients for tonight's supper and knocked a load more ice out of the freezer.

The ice was my fault, as a little while back I shoved something in there that really didn't fit, it expanded on freezing and thus popped the door open. Fortunately I only lost a handful of items as a result of them defrosting, but irritatingly, what I *did* lose was all my smoked haddock and smoked basa.

Anyways, I am now sat down with a nice :cuppa: and biskit while I wait for the bread to bake. In about five minutes, I need to take off the lid from the terracotta pot that I use for baking bread so that the crust can brown.
Electoral Calculus reckon you're likely returning to Liberal.

My constituency has also changed with only a slight increase in blue votes so it remains a safe Labour seat.

That's actually quite interesting - thanks for flagging it up!

And it wouldn't surprise me if the constituency returned a Liberal MP given how badly the Tories did in the two most recent lots of local elections here. Most levels of local government have gone back to the Liberals after more than thirty years of blue lockouts.

I've seen plenty of Liberal Democrat and Labour placards around and about since Parliament was dissolved, but no Conservative ones. Usually there's plenty of them, but this time they're conspicuous by their absence.

What's actually quite striking is when you compare the demographics for Cambridgeshire North East vs Ely & Cambridgeshire East.


We are not having a great time at the moment money is now really tight for a good few months. As the service provider changed a few weeks ago. Mrs 73 wage is all out. Management have not approved her over time so her old employers pay is all out. So she two different payroll dept to deal with. My pay all out too, we've managed the bills but everything else has been cut right down.
Due to Mrs 73still off sick all our routines are out as Charlie gets tired I though i'd try and get is full walks going again.
He's having a good day today so know once in the park he's happy to walk around. The walk down and back is a bit much. So went in the car on way back I needed to move right over for a car way over my side. Clipped a wheelie bin on the edge of the pavement and broke the wing mirror glass. :sad:


We've got an independent standing in Braintree, I don't know who he is, or what he's about.


With another attack on Farage today, I wonder if Kieron Franks will be fearin' cranks.
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