Had a lovely luncheon of a toasted sesame seed bagel filled with cheese and chicken, plus a pear, an orange and two
Afternoon was spent mainly doing kitchen / food stuff. The bread is now in the oven, I've put away the shopping, removed fruit & veg from packaging (packaging now in the soft plastics recycling), refilled the fruit bowls, sourced ingredients for tonight's supper and knocked a load more ice out of the freezer.
The ice was my fault, as a little while back I shoved something in there that really didn't fit, it expanded on freezing and thus popped the door open. Fortunately I only lost a handful of items as a result of them defrosting, but irritatingly, what I *did* lose was all my smoked haddock and smoked basa.
Anyways, I am now sat down with a nice
and biskit while I wait for the bread to bake. In about five minutes, I need to take off the lid from the terracotta pot that I use for baking bread so that the crust can brown.