Mundane News

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Weather as forecast with brief sunny spells followed by rain and still very cold tho’ there is a slight rise in temperature forecast for later in the week.
One of my garden water butts developed a lean and was touching the glass of the greenhouse. Not good so I had to empty it to move it and put different foundations under it as the original had sunk into the ground on the glasshouse side. The water to refill it comes from the greenhouse roof so it should start refilling immediately.
Slightly embarrassing situation.
The librarian took it upon herself to order some books for me as I complained about the local stock. Not her fault as the books come from the central library who in the past have mostly ignored my requests for specific books. She is aware that I cycle and would like some books on tours undertaken.
Result is 3 books appeared from other libraries with two having cycling and the other motorcycling.
Trouble is I would never have chosen them as while a bicycle is involved they are really only a very minor part of the story and are more social commentaries of no real interest to me.
I cannot really praise them but equally she had good intentions so mebbe just mumble a bit.
She is off on holiday for a couple of weeks so a strategy can be evolved in the interval.:sad:

Was one of the cycling books " The Famous Five "? :whistle:
It is sunny with some cloud , the wind seems to have dropped.
I was wondering why the racing yachts were being closely followed by rubber speed boaty things. i zoomed in on my photos to find that they were filming the yachts. My friend looked up the yachts and discovered that 2 of them were sister ships made in Scotland in the 20's.

Yacht race.JPG
I have finished reading my first cycling related book . It was Mark Cavendish's " At Speed " book. It was interesting , I wouldn't say that it was "funny" as described by the endorsements on the cover. I can see his reason for leaving the Sky team and going for a team who would utilise his talents. I'll have to find my Bradley Wiggins book to see how it compares.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Looks like sunny spells but hopefully no rain. Still bitterly cold.
Today's excitement is going to see an audiology technician to get my hearing aid and ears checked. Not sure it is working as it should and my ears I know have no wax as nurse Debbie checked them for me a couple of weeks ago.

The car is due a service as it is a year since the last one. By mileage it is probably not needed but I prefer to make sure everything is as it should be and it does affect the resale value I think. It certainly seems to affect the insurance valuation. When our Rascal van was declared a write off [ 100% not our fault ] the company wanted the service book and the offer I got was much more than expected. The book contained details of everything done to the van in it's lifetime.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I was wondering why the racing yachts were being closely followed by rubber speed boaty things. i zoomed in on my photos to find that they were filming the yachts. My friend looked up the yachts and discovered that 2 of them were sister ships made in Scotland in the 20's.

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I was never a serious yottie racer as my boats were not the fastest designs but I did race my Wayfarer dinghy a bit. I really miss the buzz of it but it is too athletic for me now.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a 3rd floor hotel room in Newcastle where the customary rest is being taken after a rather large cooked breakfast. I can just about see down to the river if I sit on the end of the bed.
A bright and sunny morning has once again turned into grey cloudy cover, but at least it's not raining (yet!). Another 15 minutes and I'll have to think about making my way to platform 3 for the homeward trip.
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