Mundane News

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Legendary Member
if they did get out the cell they'd not make it out the many gates within the cell blocks. Or past the dogs handlers walking round the perimeter. Even the other staff don't go near them. Also they are allowed anything that can be used to take impressions or anything to use for molding. Many prisons now are going over to electronic locks anyway.

Ok How a bought an apprenticeship in by passing electronic locks^_^^_^^_^


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
67% on 3rd pass.. Then for the updates 😂
Cool and showery here chez Casa Reynard. At least I won't need to water any of the planters.

Slept OK, but for some reason it wasn't restful. I have re-filled the fruit bowls and furkled a pack of lamb loin out of the freezer for either tomorrow or Wednesday. That will depend on the status of leftovers. It is now slowly defrosting in the fridge.

I have also finished the sonnet I've been working on for some time. Iambic pentameter, combined with alternate rhyming couplets, really is a pain to work with. Need to remember why I keep doing this to myself...

Today's main task will be to create a series of design sketches that I have been commissioned to do for a set of soft furnishings. It's just the sort of thing you save up to do on a rainy day.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon and I has a hungry.
As there is overcrowding in prisons why don't they introduce Day Release! :whistle:

Day release.Good idea they could do an apprenticeship to be a locksmith

I think we have weekend release here for some people not considered a flight risk. We certainly have metal smithing apprenticeships in prisons, amongst other things. There's a scheme where prisoners are trained alongside 'normal' apprentices to help them reintegrate into society.


I think we have weekend release here for some people not considered a flight risk. We certainly have metal smithing apprenticeships in prisons, amongst other things. There's a scheme where prisoners are trained alongside 'normal' apprentices to help them reintegrate into society.

We have very little what work shops prisons had have mostly gone. Over all training is very patchy at best some prisons have good projects most don't. The best one they had was ran by the The Howard League. It was a high end and widely respected professional design and printing business. Many of the top FTSE company used it. They paid prisoners a real wage and taxed ect like everyone else. The Howard League believing that it was important for prisoners to understand working and paying tax is important part of society. The last labour gov ruled prisoners can't pay tax. So it would no longer proved effective rehabilitation and The Howard League had no option but to close it down.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Cool and showery here chez Casa Reynard. At least I won't need to water any of the planters.

Slept OK, but for some reason it wasn't restful. I have re-filled the fruit bowls and furkled a pack of lamb loin out of the freezer for either tomorrow or Wednesday. That will depend on the status of leftovers. It is now slowly defrosting in the fridge.

I have also finished the sonnet I've been working on for some time. Iambic pentameter, combined with alternate rhyming couplets, really is a pain to work with. Need to remember why I keep doing this to myself...

Today's main task will be to create a series of design sketches that I have been commissioned to do for a set of soft furnishings. It's just the sort of thing you save up to do on a rainy day.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon and I has a hungry.

I used to know what lambic pentameter was but that was when I was at school many years ago.
To refresh my memory I checked with Mr G. and am now more confused than I was before.
Please do not try to enlighten the proles.
We do not seem to have heard about the novel you were writing for a while. Is that still ongoing?
Lovely luncheon of a sesame seed bagel filled with salami and cheese, plus a pear, an orange and two :cuppa:

Had to put a load of laundry in as I discovered that Madam Lexi had barfed a furball on the fleece throw that I use as a bedspread. In order not to waste space in the machine, I have put in my gardening clothes to launder as well, as there's not much chance of me doing anything outside this week.

I have also just trimmed my finger nails.
I used to know what lambic pentameter was but that was when I was at school many years ago.
To refresh my memory I checked with Mr G. and am now more confused than I was before.
Please do not try to enlighten the proles.
We do not seem to have heard about the novel you were writing for a while. Is that still ongoing?

Iambic pentameter is basically the du DUM du Dum du Dum du Dum du DUM rhythm used by Shakespeare in his plays and sonnets. It's also widely used in a lot of other poetry, both early and modern.

Yes, I am still puttering about on the novel, but it's had to take a back seat to some other projects including creating that catalogue for part of the contents of the old Thompson & Taylor drawing office at Brooklands. Now that stuff is out of my hair, I've got more time to sit down and write.


Weather forecast so far wrong - largely sunny with just a few spots of rain around 4.30.
Driveway in need of its central gravel part being reinforced with more grey limestone. Took a punt on Travis Perkins having some small bags, colours vary said the web site and of more concern none at their Knaresborough branch; 182 at Ripon. It is however quicker to Ripon than Knaresborough despite the geater distance.
Was in luck they had grey so three bags bought.
Then nipped into the town city centre to browse the Woollies like stores market towns tend to have. Acquired a further box of patch fix of an uncommon brand for 5.99. This mornings had done the back lawn but the front lawn needed doing. Not sure whats in it bit it stinks.
One bag of limestone used up and called it time so the unopened ones can stay in the car boot until needed.
My digging up of the weeds etc attracted the attention of the local ex kitten cat who then seemed quite persistent in having my mug of tea. Apparently he drinks anything with milk in tea and is also a white wine drinker muching Quavers!
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