Mundane News

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Biblical-grade showers here this afternoon, interspersed with odd bits of sunshine.

I will watch the news while I have my :cuppa: and then I shall go and retrieve the laundry.

I have made good progress with the design sketches. As the forecast for the rest of the week is pretty ropey, I will get them finished and out of my hair, and then I can return to my own projects again.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Weather as forecast with brief sunny spells followed by rain and still very cold tho’ there is a slight rise in temperature forecast for later in the week.
One of my garden water butts developed a lean and was touching the glass of the greenhouse. Not good so I had to empty it to move it and put different foundations under it as the original had sunk into the ground on the glasshouse side. The water to refill it comes from the greenhouse roof so it should start refilling immediately.
Slightly embarrassing situation.
The librarian took it upon herself to order some books for me as I complained about the local stock. Not her fault as the books come from the central library who in the past have mostly ignored my requests for specific books. She is aware that I cycle and would like some books on tours undertaken.
Result is 3 books appeared from other libraries with two having cycling and the other motorcycling.
Trouble is I would never have chosen them as while a bicycle is involved they are really only a very minor part of the story and are more social commentaries of no real interest to me.
I cannot really praise them but equally she had good intentions so mebbe just mumble a bit.
She is off on holiday for a couple of weeks so a strategy can be evolved in the interval.:sad:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Went out after work and jet washed the 2 lots of decking and some old green plastic patio chairs and tried to remove an oil stain on the drive left by my lad and his mates yesterday (fixing cars). The old chairs have come up OK, and I removed the fading with some GT85 - I know it won't last, but should be a little smarter for guests at my Daughter's 21st at the end of the month (garden BBQ). These chairs just live stacked up in a corner of the garden and get used about once a year.


Vice Admiral
An update to the Advertising Board in my garden. As suspected, the workman did not ask permission from my neighbour. In fairness, he (my neighbour) only noticed the sign today. He is a very busy person, so that is understandable. He has now removed the board.

I have just eaten a Ferrero Rocher "choc ice". It was lovely. Not big at about 3 inches in diameter and slightly less than an inch wide. What it lacks in size, it makes up for in taste. Coffee icecream is coated with chocolate and nuts.


Rain finally arrived 7.15pm with an enoromous downpour as it had been saving it up. Thankfully I had decided against a corner shop (used coffee pods for reycling) trek for 10k on the indoor folding bike like thingy.


Legendary Member
Seems like I got lucky today - with the exception of a bit of drizzle walking from home to the local rail station, all the downpours happened while I was on the train/in the pub/in the hotel.

In the absence of anything noteworthy happening, have a picture of a locomotive from Ipswich
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