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As there is overcrowding in prisons why don't they introduce Day Release! :whistle:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sun is trying to get visible but more likely cloudy and light rain today as well as windy.

Many years ago in my farming days [ about 1955 or thereabouts ] it was so cold we could not get casual workers to work in the open fields thinning turnips. I found an old ex army greatcoat I wore and we had to do it all ourselves.
I got a week off and went cycling and had to stop at Balloch to get an old newspaper to stuff up inside my jacket it was so cold. At Crianlarich SYHA I was the only person in the hostel that night.
This was followed by an extremely hot spell in July/August and I was roasted packing hay into the top of a hay shed.
There is still hope for this year.:huh:

No idea if it was a cyber attack but all our medical establishments lost ability to communicate and eg prescriptions could not be sent from GP to pharmacy as well as sample test results from the mainland.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a very wet, windy & chilly Suffolk. Plenty of rain overnight and the next load isn't too far off looking at the radar while the trees on the other side of the rail line are swaying quite a lot in the breeze. The first coffee of the day has been had along with a banana instead of a biscuit for a change.

I think I'm going to need at least a windproof jacket over the light fleece jacket to keep warm while hanging around rail stations for the next couple of days.


Legendary Member
As there is overcrowding in prisons why don't they introduce Day Release! :whistle:

Day release.Good idea they could do an apprenticeship to be a locksmith


Why is the fine for not having your cat microchipped so high? Using a mobile phone whilst driving is £200 plus 6 penalty points. Most likely the person driving doesn't have a licence! Also ! What about farm cats?

Dog owners have had this for years it high time it includes cat owners. Every dog we have had has been chipped as we view it as being reasonable. Given the cost of chipping is about £20 or many organisations ect do it for free. If the fine was not set at a level to make many think twice about why bother. Or cost more to enforce it would be pretty pointless.


Day release.Good idea they could do an apprenticeship to be a locksmith
if they did get out the cell they'd not make it out the many gates within the cell blocks. Or past the dogs handlers walking round the perimeter. Even the other staff don't go near them. Also they are allowed anything that can be used to take impressions or anything to use for molding. Many prisons now are going over to electronic locks anyway.


All at sea⛵
Depends on whether it is a possessive for a servant singular (the former) or servant plural (the latter). By changing the position of the apostrophe, you alter the meaning quite significantly.

So "servant's tea" refers to the tea of just one single servant, while "servants' tea" refers to the tea of multiple servants.

I know that.
I was just fishing for pedants


Teeth attacked cleaned as expected. Found a parking space 3/5th mile from the hospital. Noticed the fruit and veg stall at the hospital was selling bananas at £2.35/kg. Captive market or not thats a huge difference to the 90p/kg in Sainsbury's. Picked up the required box of Patch Fix which seemed reasonable at £10.50. Few spots of drizzle on the windscreen on the return but otherwise it has so far stayed dry. Still that cold wind.
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