Mundane News

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Legendary Member
The weather forecast lied to me. Sixty odd miles in the pouring rain and I arrived home with about half a gallon of water in my shoes. I still enjoyed it though. Beats Sunday afternoon TV (if I had a TV!).

I didn't see any Bentleys today but it wouldn't be so nice for them today driving into rain at 50 or 60 MPH with aeroscreens.

Now dried out and out for a bit of live music.:music:Some Guinness may be consumed.


Went to a festival in St. Neot's yesterday. Was taken aback at the gridlocked town centre between about 10.00h & 15.00h.
Cross any of several roads away from the crossings and you either play chicken or test your reaction and sprint speeds - ! :laugh:
Made us appreciate how good Norwich city centre is with most of the roads either traffic free or bus, taxi & cycle only. ^_^ :okay:


All at sea⛵
Well, today is the day I should officially retire, but I'm working on an extra year, partly because I will go stir crazy at home, plus having two grandchildren living at ours, working will give them the best we can give in terms of things to do, holidays etc.

Despite knowing I would go stir crazy not working, I somehow feel a tiny bit deflated about staying on. It's like having a mini internal mental fight...

I did say to a colleague the other day....its dangerous, it'd only take someone senior to take me to task on something I disagreed with, they'll likely get two fingers and immediate resignation. Quite a nice place to be actually (in my mind at least :smile:)

Well it boosts the state pension a bit, too.

Make sure you the correct number of paid up stamps, contributions. My tours overseas, hence missing contributions, proved a bit expensive.
It's been a day spent overdosing on motor racing here chez Casa Reynard - a welcome lazy day after not sleeping particularly well. I wasn't warm enough, and I've succumbed to putting one of the storage heaters back on given how chilly the next couple of days or so are supposed to be. At least I won't have to water any of the planters.

All that talk of :cuppa: has made me want another :cuppa:
Now where should the apostrophe go in servants?
Servant's or servants'

This prompts a pedant alert

Depends on whether it is a possessive for a servant singular (the former) or servant plural (the latter). By changing the position of the apostrophe, you alter the meaning quite significantly.

So "servant's tea" refers to the tea of just one single servant, while "servants' tea" refers to the tea of multiple servants.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Been a good weekend
Weather was good
They go so quickly though


Legendary Member
None of the stuff I wanted was available in Morrisons so I had to do a trip to the two German retailers to get food in for the next few days which meant something like 30+ miles on the bike in the cold and stiff breeze due to them being fairly well spaced out.

The overnight bag has been packed and put by the front door ready to go tomorrow and the routes have been worked out..
1: Right out of the station, cross & under the roudabout, right at the rail bridge.
2: Right out of the hotel, 3rd left at the strange metal sculpture, 1st left and the venue is to the right of the chimney
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