Mundane News

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@deptfordmarmoset the latest news on the ongoing Path lab cyber attack. Is the head of medical education at Guys has formally wrote to med students. Asking them to volunteer for free to be runners between labs and the wards. Taking stuff and coming back with results on paper. Then people wonder why med students go abroad to work. :wacko:


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
@deptfordmarmoset the latest news on the ongoing Path lab cyber attack. Is the head of medical education at Guys has formally wrote to med students. Asking them to volunteer for free to be runners between labs and the wards. Taking stuff and coming back with results on paper. Then people wonder why med students go abroad to work. :wacko:

A curiosity about the cyber-attack is that, while they can't get blood samples results across, urine tests going to the same place are unaffected. (Both samples go to King's from here.) The attackers are after our blood but they don't want us to think they're taking the piss.


A curiosity about the cyber-attack is that, while they can't get blood samples results across, urine tests going to the same place are unaffected. (Both samples go to King's from here.) The attackers are after our blood but they don't want us to think they're taking the piss.
It's most likely two different systems so the private company can charge 2 different lots of services.
Urine tests are in some ways easier to deal with as basic ones can be done with on the ward. Testing most of the blood results can't other other than Blood glucose and some basic function testing can b done on blood gas machines. With a bit of changing the settings. The biggest effect will be primary care. GP relay on bloods for basic diagnoses that's before you get onto the district nurses who need an array of bloods to know how to treat ongoing medical treatments. The other big thing is swab and blood cultures to know what infection you're dealing with.
This is a great example of a hidden services that will have to run along side all this weekend and evening routine op theatres. It's not as easy a plan as Wes makes out.


Well, today is the day I should officially retire, but I'm working on an extra year, partly because I will go stir crazy at home, plus having two grandchildren living at ours, working will give them the best we can give in terms of things to do, holidays etc.

Despite knowing I would go stir crazy not working, I somehow feel a tiny bit deflated about staying on. It's like having a mini internal mental fight...

I did say to a colleague the other day....its dangerous, it'd only take someone senior to take me to task on something I disagreed with, they'll likely get two fingers and immediate resignation. Quite a nice place to be actually (in my mind at least :smile:)


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Definitely taken on the Oban - Craignure ferry.

I have no doubt it is still around as it will be relatively new but they are based nearly 12 miles south of Tobermory and will predominantly be heading in a southerly direction and unless I am on the same ferry am unlikely to see it.
An enterprising farmer who has diversified obviously into fish transport as well as animals and general haulage. They now also have a successful camp site in a desirable location and I suspect a new shop just built not far from the site with a large car park accessible from the main road.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Turned out a lovely sunny day but still a cold northerly wind. It is actually warmer outside in a sheltered spot than inside my house.
Just watched the fish farmers heading home but a low tide delayed them a bit as the Diorlinn can dry out and care is needed to avoid damage to the propellor by hitting bottom which is hard sand.

Our postal service is chaotic with all new staff who know nothing and nobody.
A parcel to me had a slightly misleading address but they could not deliver it as they had never heard of me and nobody else knew either they claimed. I have a fairly distinctive name and there is nobody on Mull with the same surname but they still could not find me. My name is on letters so that should give them a clue one would think.
They recently delivered a package with a very strange probably eastern European name nobody has heard of with no proper address so they just shoved it through my letter slot. I passed it on but nobody else has any ideas.
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