Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
@oldwheels Is this still driving around the island? It was on the ferry I was on a while back...
View attachment 733422

New one on me. Never seen it and a bit of a mystery. Must have been carrying smolts from a hatchery tho' there is a local hatchery on the island.
Their previous lorry is still driving around with the original paintwork and name but a different reg number since it is in Zambia I think. May have the country wrong as I am working from memory. It was discovered by the the TV wildlife man Gordon Buchanan who went to school in Tobermory and was based here for a while.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
As @oldwheels would put; it's a dreich day here in Norton, near Wakefield. I'm race crew for some riders today.



Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Looks as if we may have sunny intervals today but it has not yet rained tho' I can see black clouds hovering around.
The forecast for next week suggests we may have a couple of dry days but still windy which makes it cold since it is predominately from the north.
Need to finish clearing stuff out of my car as the back compartment is a bit of a tip just now. I tend to carry far too many things which may come in useful but somehow the occasion to need them never arises. The driver and passenger compartment is always kept clear of any accumulation so at a casual look it all looks ok.
I remember when parking at a hospital car park in Glasgow being advised to leave nothing, absolutely nothing, in sight as it would inevitably lead to getting the car damaged by thieves breaking in.
Mostly I live in a different environment and I never do but I could probably leave the car outside where I live unlocked overnight.
In tourist season it is safer to lock it anyway due to so many strangers around.


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where, as per the past few days, the bright and sunny start has been replaced with a fair bit of cloud cover and an added blustery cold breeze. Coffee & breakfast have been done next is a bottle bank run and a bit of food shopping for the next few days. Day 2 of the children's football tournament on the local playing field is ongoing judging by the sounds coming in through the window.

This evening I will be mostly studying Google Maps & Streetview as I'm off to a new to me destination on Monday and need to work out the walking routes from rail station to hotel, hotel to venue and back again.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
New one on me. Never seen it and a bit of a mystery. Must have been carrying smolts from a hatchery tho' there is a local hatchery on the island.
Their previous lorry is still driving around with the original paintwork and name but a different reg number since it is in Zambia I think. May have the country wrong as I am working from memory. It was discovered by the the TV wildlife man Gordon Buchanan who went to school in Tobermory and was based here for a while.

Definitely taken on the Oban - Craignure ferry.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Nice bit of gardening stuff done single handed


All at sea⛵
Severe supply problem: I've just run out of tea, and it's a Sunday so everything in south Germany is closed.

I may be reduced to drinking Earl Grey...

Elevated actually, from builders.
In southern Africa I'm reliably informed that it known as servants tea.

Now where should the apostrophe go in servants?
Servant's or servants'

This prompts a pedant alert
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