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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A day of bright sunshine with torrential rain showers to add interest.
Early start and got a packed ferry with hardly a seat to be had. I ended up on a bench seat in a draughty corridor for the whole journey. The bus parties hog all the lounge seats and do not even look out of the windows. The bar was the same and they just seem to stare into the space in front of them. Very strange.
There seems to be some rule that no matter where I am parked on the car deck the other side always gets off first. The first 10 miles drive home not too bad as only one slow car which was easy to overtake. The last 12 miles a German car darted out in front of me in Salen village driven by somebody who clearly thought themselves a demon driver which they clearly were not but refused to allow anyone behind to overtake on the sngle track. Frustrating again.
Back home I found my house being power washed which was a surprise. This was arranged by a neighbour and we are sharing the cost of this and repainting but there was no definite starting date.
Handy tho' as the guy doing the job carried all my heavy luggage up the path to my door.^_^

Edit to add he is getting his house done as well as my post seems to suggest he is sharing my costs
rather than getting both done a bit cheaper than if done individually if that makes sense.
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The last 12 miles a German car darted out in front of me in Salen village driven by somebody who clearly thought themselves a demon driver which they clearly were not but refused to allow anyone behind to overtake on the sngle track. Frustrating again.

They do that here as well; in fact it's become a joke that a Mercedes has an Eingebautes Vorfahrtrecht, or "inbuilt right of way" as part of the deal.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
as i was dosed up i have done some more wallpapering in mini ck1 room, whilst we popped out to get a light fitting for the new toilet mini ck1 tried to take the wardrobe out on her own and took the backboard off ... cue the wardrobe collapsing and ripping the fixings out so it knackered ,another expense i could do without .


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
@oldwheels Is this still driving around the island? It was on the ferry I was on a while back...
I got paint on my trousers at work.

Members will be relieved to hear that after comprehensive handwashing, the trousers are now largely paint free.

I learned to handwash clothes from a farmer in the mountains of Nepal 20 years ago


Legendary Member
Dunno about 'American Speedfest', they should just rename it 'Noisefest'. When there's races for the European NASCAR series (grunty V8s), Ford v Chevvy (big 60s & 70s V8s), Bernies V8s & Historical Outlaws (more V8s and other noisy stuff) and Legends (high revving bike engines) who cares what other entertainment is put on. Pure aural entertainment as far as I'm concerned.
Had a lovely luncheon of salami on toast, plus a pear, a tangerine and two :cuppa:

Ended up sitting outside in the garden with a book, as my little nook on the drive was sheltered from the breeze and surprisingly warm in the afternoon sun. I finished the last few pages of the final volume in John Hemery's "Lost Fleet" series, and since I hadn't read it in a while, and given these few days just past, I decided to dive back into the D-Day book by Stephen Ambrose.

Then trotted off to Tesco for final reductions. Hardly anything to be had, particularly in chilled and fruit & veg, and the reductions didn't go below 50%. So most of what I might have otherwise taken stayed in the cabinet. That was particularly true of the tuna steaks. In any case, I have tuna in the freezer, and there's always another day and another opportunity. Decent amount of stuff in the bakery, but not much that tickled my fancy. Best buys tonight were in the green bins for damaged / short dated / end of line goods. Still, I didn't come home empty-handed.

My pickings were sea bass, smoked salmon, two large tubs of cocktail sausages, leek, romaine lettuce, chicory, two demi-baguettes, two packs of crumpets, a job lot of cheese & onion crisps and a job lot of Alberto Balsam shampoo bars. Since it's the shampoo I use anyway, I simply cleaned them out.

Now sat down with a :cuppa: and some avocado on toast.
Dunno about 'American Speedfest', they should just rename it 'Noisefest'. When there's races for the European NASCAR series (grunty V8s), Ford v Chevvy (big 60s & 70s V8s), Bernies V8s & Historical Outlaws (more V8s and other noisy stuff) and Legends (high revving bike engines) who cares what other entertainment is put on. Pure aural entertainment as far as I'm concerned.

Sounds like you had fun! :smile:
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