Mundane News

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Late getting up. It is nice and sunny now with quite a bit of cloud around. Resting a bit today. I think I might have overdone it a bit. We journey back tomorrow.
Isn't it marvellous how some people seem to get paid loads for their brilliant ideas?
Let's close our banks on the high street because people are using the internet ! Why not stop using cash machines for parking and let people use their mobile phones. They could also use their phones instead of credit cards! Let's also close police stations!
I wonder why phone theft has rocketed? :wacko:
So if your phone is stolen who do you report it to? :wacko:


I would like to know about all the ancient ruins, all around the world, where we see only walls. what did they do for roofs & how were they help up, in place
Just so you know the photo was taken of us sat in a large recess which was the book cupboard.
Whitby abbey started as a very basic wooden church, started in 657 and become what you see now. Which is the 13th-century church of the Benedictine abbey founded after the Norman Conquest. Finely being dissolved by Henry VIII in 1539. After stripping of all it valuables and lead of the roof. Oddly he is reposablie for helping it still be around today. No one know why but he ordered the Abbey was to stay untouched. Only the stone from the living areas could be used to build the house now on the site.

It's a site of world importance as being the place that held Synod of Whitby. Over seen by the head of the Abbey Abbess Hild later St Hild. She managed to get all the religious leaders to agree to set the date for Easter. The headland itself has been used since well before that and the site of a listening post in Roman times. In more modern times it's has links to Bram Stoker and Dracula. It even hold's a world recored for the largest gathering of people dressed as vampires.*MTcxNzc1MjY5Ny4xLjAuMTcxNzc1MjY5Ny4wLjAuMA..
Sholund also say if you travel by bus, train or bike to Whitby. Show your ticket or your bike and you get 20% off admission.


Legendary Member
I must apologise for leaving this site early yesterday I was going to post that I had won £20 on the Post code lottery.
A warm-ish, occasionally sunny and rather breezy day here chez Casa Reynard.

I slept in a bit - in the comfortable company of Madam Lexi. I have spent the morning writing, but I have also done a load of laundry. This afternoon will be dedicated to puttering about in the garden. My main task will be to move the majority of my tomato plants into their planters, as they are now big enough.

Another task for later is working out a suitable format for my archive's photo catalogue. In its current form it is far too unwieldy, particularly if I have to update and re-print a part of it. The whole document is somewhere in the region of a hundred and ten pages long, so I will probably have to split each section down further to make things manageable. But having a well-laid out hardcopy to hand will make it a good reference tool when having those "do I have this particular photo" moments.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon and someone wants their chicken.
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