Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Lazy day but a bit frustrating.
Rain with sunny intervals and a brisk wind so not going triking in that.
Went outside several times but every time back indoors when the rain started again.
Sat watching the hoodie crow which has been living in and around a tree about 50 yards away for it seems years. From time go time it makes a dive when it sees something edible in the jungle below.

There used to be a pair of swans lived on the opposite shore of Loch Etive who had cygnets last year. Earlier this year I only saw one and now none. A dead swan was reported by the roadside in Connel village this week so probably both are now dead.
We had a pair in the bay at home but when one died the other became a real nuisance wandering around the street like a tourist tho’ drivers were more tolerant of it than touroid wanderers.
Eventually it took to going into the coop and that was the last straw. It was captured by a professional and taken away to a swan sanctuary where it seemed fit in ok.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Note to self: if it's windy and the wind turbines are spinning rapidly it is not a sensible idea to ride on top of the hills around them. Next time you might get blown off and damage your bike. And look foolish whilst upside down in a ditch.

Been there done that

Hospital appointment went ok doing well gotta keep the sling on for a couple of weeks then the physio.

Specialist was happy so that's good

My working day is completed


Definitely windy, but dry, and looks like it over the weekend. Lunchtime trek to the
country store wasn't really an improvement on yesterdays when it was closed as they did not have the item I was seeking. A tour by car then tomorrow and no doubt whichever order I visit places it will be the last one looked in.


A motor scooter has apparently been abandoned at the end of our street. I phoned the 101 line and was told to go onto the local police website as such 'events' are not dealt with by their 101 service.
Okay, did so, but as there wasn't a section for abandoned vehicles, I selected 'lost or found property' as being the closest to my subject.
As I had a 'traceable number' for the item; the reg. no., the website told me to report it to the nearest police station - ! :eek:
Yew wot - ? ! :wacko:


Some real low lives about Mrs 73 has heard from the owners of the wall she hit. They say quotes for sorting it are £1500.
Everyone on the night agreed it was hardly damaged. We know as I past it this week they've knocked the whole thing down.
Insurance claim has now closed we are stuffed. Unless some legal advice say different. It playing on my mind now and will for days.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Some real low lives about Mrs 73 has heard from the owners of the wall she hit. They say quotes for sorting it are £1500.
Everyone on the night agreed it was hardly damaged. We know as I past it this week they've knocked the whole thing down.
Insurance claim has now closed we are stuffed. Unless some legal advice say different. It playing on my mind now and will for days.

If the insurance have been in touch with them re quotes & repairs etc and it's been settled, I reckon they're just trying it on!
I'd get back in touch with the ins co and seek their advice.
Always worrying, though, these things!


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Lovely day, today, riding around Minster Lovell and Bibury, followed by a walk, just under 10 miles, from Bibury and a big loop back to the car.
Only problem of the day was the M40 closure as I was one side and home was on t'other.. A few country lanes and back roads got me around most of the jams, though 👌


Legendary Member
Quite a changeable day from a weather point of view. I had a few errands to run after work and stumbled on some 1920s Bentleys who were doing a tour, apparently following mostly the roads i would take if i was to do a cycle tour in this area. Such beautiful cars, and there are more of them. These only stopped as one of them had a minor mechanical. I know the hotel where they are staying so might take a drive out to see the rest of them later.






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Leg End Member
Quite a changeable day from a weather point of view. I had a few errands to run after work and stumbled on some 1920s Bentleys who were doing a tour, apparently following mostly the roads i would take if i was to do a cycle tour in this area. Such beautiful cars, and there are more of them. These only stopped as one of them had a minor mechanical. I know the hotel where they are staying so might take a drive out to see the rest of them later.

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Second picture is a
Registration Number: WW 9886
Chassis Number: HT 1650
Engine Number: DN 1727
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