Mundane News

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Tomato & mozzarella crostini for supper. Now about to scarf dessert (an apricot danish) while watching the Superstock TT


Legendary Member
Broadband has been restored.

A very nice just short of 40 miles was ridden in and around Cambridge today. Just about managed to get away with a short sleeved top, but stuck with trousers rather than shorts and I managed to get back to the car before the rear tyre became too soft to ride. Somewhere after Little Shelford there was the unmistakable sound of Merlin engines and a couple of Spitfires flew overhead - possibly coming out from Duxford which was just a few miles to the south.


Legendary Member
Turned out a nice evening after all and I did my usual 32 mile loop on the single speed. No noticeable headwind for possibly the first time ever along the Lough. Just swarms of midges so mouth closed!

More roadworks are in progress. Water board this time who have dug big holes all over the place. I always hate temporary traffic lights whilst cycling as it's often impossible to reach the other side before the lights change again but it's a quiet road anyway.


Legendary Member
Looking at a different photo which I did not post as it was not very clear the roof of the trailer was pushed back by 3 or 4 feet leaving the cargo exposed in a v shape.
This happens surprisingly often despite several warning signs which are given as 4.2 metres tho’ the bridge shows 4.3. For some strange reason all the mishaps I know about have been northbound.
Height barriers would at least prevent damage to the bridge which is a big worry for those living north of it.

As an aside I cycled over that bridge when the trains still ran and there was a sentry box and a man with a ticket machine who charged 6p ie 4p for the bike and 2p for me. Somewhere I have a photo if I can find it.

I cycled over it in 2019 when I cycled NCN 78 from Campbeltown to Inverness and stopped to take photos from the top of it but it never occurred to me at the time to take photos of the bridge itself as it's quite interesting.



Leg End Member
I got my polling card today. It still says the entrance is in a street where it isn't. If I were really that bothered, I'd write to Electoral Services to see how many years it takes to stop directing the electorate to the wrong street. They might not correct it within my life expectancy.
Let them know, they could be fined for giving wrong information to voters. The same as any other person/body involved in the elections.
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