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Vice Admiral
I have a slight quandary, that people on here might know the answer.

Where shall I start? When a business carries out work on a house, they like to put up a sign advertising who is doing the work. Last week my next door neighbours had their fascias replaced. The company who did the work has put a sign up.

To be precise they have put the sign mostly in my garden, in the flower bed. It is not a small sign, being about three foot high and three foot wide (approximately). It is complicated, I know, because these houses have open-plan gardens. For the benefit of our foreign correspondents, "open-plan" means there are no fences or hedges between the gardens. Also the lawn and borders do not match up with the edges of the houses. So "my" lawn, overlaps next door's land.

This is never a problem. But when I asked the work men if they are taking away the sign when they finish, the reply was along of the lines of "no, it has to stay for four weeks." He went on to suggest the plants were robust and would survive, which showed just how little knowledge or respect he has for other people's gardens.

My question is this, yes there is one: is that right, that the sign must stay for four weeks?

It looks to anyone passing by, that the work has been done on my house, and it spoils my well-cared for front garden, imo.

I really do not want to ask my neighbours to remove it, unless they suggest doing so. Anyone got any thoughts?


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
@Speicher - I would politely suggest to them that the sign is on your property. If it remains there you expect to be recompensed for the cost of advertising. At a suggested £500 per week.

They have no right to place a sign on your property without your permission and your local council planning department would be interested if they did so.

To quote from here;

"Is consent required from anyone else to display advertisements?
The standard conditions provide that you must have permission of the site owner/occupier to display an advert on that land. It is illegal to display any advertisement (even if it has deemed consent) without first obtaining the permission of the owner of the site, or any other person who is entitled to give their permission.

Paragraph: 013 Reference ID: 18b-013-20140306

Revision date: 06 03 2014"

And if they continue to display said sign;

"What happens if an advertisement is displayed without the necessary consent?​

Anyone who displays an advertisement in contravention of the Regulations commits an offence. For example, by displaying an advert without the necessary consent or without complying with the conditions attached to that consent. It is then immediately open to the local planning authority to bring a prosecution in the Magistrates’ Court for an offence under section 224 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. The penalty on conviction for the offence is at level 4 on the standard scale (current maximum £2,500) and in the case of a continuing offence a further daily fine of up to a maximum of one tenth of that amount (£250) until the contravention ends.

Where a local planning authority achieves a successful conviction for failure to comply with an enforcement notice, they can apply for a Confiscation Order, under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, to recover the financial benefit obtained through unauthorised development.

Local planning authorities also have powers to remove any advertisement (and any structure used for its display) which in their view is displayed in contravention of the Regulations.

Paragraph: 015 Reference ID: 18b-015-20140306"

Revision date: 06 03 2014
Last edited:


Vice Admiral
Thank you @DCLane, for such a detailed reply.

I very much hope that this can be resolved with a polite discussion with my neighbour. I was surprised at the length of time it is supposed to remain. One week would have been fine. I do not think they asked the neighbours if they could put up a sign, as my neighbours would never have suggested that spot for the sign. It could have gone in the grass immediately next to their driveway. No need for it to be in my flower border.

I know that in the greater scheme of world events, this is a tiddly problem.


Isca Dumnoniorum
Thank you @DCLane, for such a detailed reply.

I very much hope that this can be resolved with a polite discussion with my neighbour. I was surprised at the length of time it is supposed to remain. One week would have been fine. I do not think they asked the neighbours if they could put up a sign, as my neighbours would never have suggested that spot for the sign. It could have gone in the grass immediately next to their driveway. No need for it to be in my flower border.

I know that in the greater scheme of world events, this is a tiddly problem.

Just cut off the half that overhangs your garden.
Chicken sandwich, fruit and two :cuppa: for luncheon.

Busy afternoon puttering about in the garden and doing assorted other little things.

Cooked a fabby supper of home made giant fish fingers, fried potatoes and a caesar salad. The world is a very good place right now - that was SO delicious. :mrpig:

I've avoided the politics by watching the football. Not sure that was a good idea.
Speaking of Bentleys, you may want to check out a friend's blog:


Legendary Member
Shopping was done this morning in bright sunshine and relative warmth - compared to what we've had recently. I then made the mistake of going out for a couple of hours of fresh air in the afternoon only to have the wind pick up and some cloud cover to come over - hey ho.

Food & drink have been prepped ready for the day out on Saturday.


Legendary Member
I went to see the Bentleys. The most expensive line of cars I've ever seen or likely to see! Nice setting for them too but it would have been nice to move them into more photo friendly positions! I love the details and the obvious quality of the things. They even put castellated nuts and spilt pins on the mudguard bolts






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