Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I can see this from my bedroom window but not close up obviously. Happened about a couple of hours ago and if the bridge is damaged it could be s long time closed so I could be stuck for getting home.

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I think The Logistics of Certainty is pushing it a bit!!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I think The Logistics of Certainty is pushing it a bit!!

Looking at a different photo which I did not post as it was not very clear the roof of the trailer was pushed back by 3 or 4 feet leaving the cargo exposed in a v shape.
This happens surprisingly often despite several warning signs which are given as 4.2 metres tho’ the bridge shows 4.3. For some strange reason all the mishaps I know about have been northbound.
Height barriers would at least prevent damage to the bridge which is a big worry for those living north of it.

As an aside I cycled over that bridge when the trains still ran and there was a sentry box and a man with a ticket machine who charged 6p ie 4p for the bike and 2p for me. Somewhere I have a photo if I can find it.
Had a lovely luncheon of chicken & mayo on toast, plus an orange, a pear and two :cuppa:

Treated myself to half an hour outside in my camping chair with a book to let my lunch tamp down, and then I spent an hour puttering about the garden, weeding out the strawberries mainly, but I've also stripped some forget-me-not seeds from the plants, as they're very nearly done flowering. They've been flowering since late March, so they've done VERY well this year.

After that, I dusted off Max the MTB and went for a nice bicycular bimble.

I am now sat down with a :cuppa: and a home made biskit.

I had a few left, as I couldn't get the whole batch into the gift box. So they are mine to scoff. Cook's perks. Apparently the box went down very well with the recipient this morning.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
another day lost , no cycling on my "holiday ", not had tea yet
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