Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I have an appointment with Daktari for a blood test this morning.
Cholesterol, I believe..

I was meant to have a blood test this morning but they cancelled it yesterday and couldn't give a new appointment date. The cyberattack on King's, Guys and St Thomas hospitals appears to have been far more damaging than they are admitting to.


Itching to get back on my bike's
A big thank you to all the people who gave so much so many years ago.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another day of light rain forecast but probably more like the last couple of days with sunny spells and then torrents of rain and a gale for about 20 minutes.
Off into Oban for non perishable food shopping and other odds and ends. I doubt the weather will let me get any reasonable cycling but may try a turn up Loch Creran later.
Loch Creran is a favourite with the local club cyclists and runners as they start from Benderloch and it is cyclepath the whole way to the loch which has always been pretty quiet in the past. The loch is only 6 miles round but a steep hill at one end.
I can start from where I am based at my son's house with a short sprint on the main road after a couple of easy miles before getting on to the path. The sprint is because traffic is controlled by lights at Connel bridge and comes in waves with clear intervals so can usually make it free of overtaking vehicles.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a bright & sunny Suffolk although the proper warmth is still absent. The first coffee of the day has just been finished and the cheaper Italian blend stuff isn't too bad.

There's a slight problem with my plans for today - I don't know if I can get the bike AND the two black sacks of grass clippings in the boot of the car at the same time, or if the bags will have to be put on the front passenger seat or footwell.


Legendary Member
Dental checkup completed with no issues. I always wonder why dentists try to talk to you when they have your mouth open which makes replying a bit difficult.

It was actually really sunny as I walked to the surgery and I was too hot in my raincoat but it poured on the way home.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Second cuppa went down well
New SIM card ordered from another provider
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