Mundane News

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Interesting point raised on the duaphine coverage by david millar about people on the ASD spectrum who gravitate to cycling as a means for stress relief .If i dont cycle i get into a cycle of depression .
I zone out typically cycling - its me, the fields, the wildlife, and then the varia squeals me back to reality with an approaching vehicle from the rear.
I zone out typically cycling - its me, the fields, the wildlife, and then the varia squeals me back to reality with an approaching vehicle from the rear.

Whereas I'm always keeping an eye out for good foraging spots... :blush:


Legendary Member
Within 5 minutes of making the coffee earlier (I'm trying a different type of coffee btw - Lidl own Italian blend as it was on offer) and getting settled in a chair in the back garden, the cloud cover came over again. Stuck it out for about quarter of an hour before I gave up and put a fleece jacket on. I'll get rid of the two bags of grass clippings at the recycling centre on my way out tomorrow as I've decided to have another Cambridge cycling day.

In other news, broadband has gone down so I'm having to hotspot the Chromebook to the phone - luckily there's nothing on the sports channels I wanted to watch tonight.


Legendary Member
A strange weather day. It was completely different every time you looked out, even hail stones.

I worked a bit later today to work up some time as I have a checkup with the dentist. Something to look forward to!

I think it's time to visit the Land of Nod now.


Vice Admiral
I have just been watching this on tube you, that others might like to see.



Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
We arrived to find a letter on the mat from South West Water stating that our house was unoccupied and that we should inform them of the situation within 14 days of their letter or they would start various investigations. Quite how they formed this opinion remains a mystery. Meamwhile, we had supper and some beer.

There was no date on the letter. I'm worrying when their deadline might expire.
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