Mundane News

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It's an occasionally sunny and reasonably warm where you're sheltered from a quite keen northerly breeze.

Slept well, and spent the morning in the company of a friend and her two dogs, walking around the community orchard and the local nature reserve. It was really nice to be able to put the world to rights. I stopped off at the village book exchange on the way home and picked out two cook books for the aforementioned friend, and three comic annuals for myself - two Beano and one Dandy.

Have to admit, I'm still a kid at heart, and comics are something that never grow old. :blush:

In other news, the line of pea-sized burns that stretch from my right wrist to my right elbow are nearly healed three weeks after the encounter with the exploding roast tomato. There's just a couple that still itch, and it'll be a while before the red splatter pattern fades.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon and someone wants their chicken.


@Reynard @oldwheels My lovely next door neighbour spotted me out with the dog. I not told him or seen him he just offered to sort it for me. A few bangs with the hammer and off he went for drive round the block. It's all sorted so we can get on with getting the MOT sorted when we are ready. In the mean time the hand break is staying off. Parked on the drive and left in gear it can't move if it did it can only go backwards not out into the street. it's not level but not enough for it roll back anyway. Plus it would get bogged down in the stone chippings 1st.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Our neighbour has put our green and brown recycling bin kerbside for us.
Had a lovely luncheon of a salami sandwich, a pear, a banana and two :cuppa:

Did sit in the garden for a bit, but it was just too chilly. That given up for a bad job, that batch of biscuits the parental unit wanted as a gift has been baked and iced.

I do not plan on cooking tonight. Still have bread that needs using up, so something sandwichy and salady will be consumed. I'll come clean and say I probably did buy a bit too much bread on YS, but it was too good to pass up on.

Am now sat down with a nice :cuppa:
@Reynard @oldwheels My lovely next door neighbour spotted me out with the dog. I not told him or seen him he just offered to sort it for me. A few bangs with the hammer and off he went for drive round the block. It's all sorted so we can get on with getting the MOT sorted when we are ready. In the mean time the hand break is staying off. Parked on the drive and left in gear it can't move if it did it can only go backwards not out into the street. it's not level but not enough for it roll back anyway. Plus it would get bogged down in the stone chippings 1st.

Glad it's sorted :smile:


As long as I breathe, I attack.
busy day , took mini ck1 to college then straight off to hospital for pre op , when i got back the builder had arrived and started to put the frame work for the stud wall in.
Dentist appointment for a sensitive tooth , luckily its nothing that needs work .
back to help the builder for a bit then i made tea for the kids then mine , i was hoping to get a ride in today but by the time i got everything sorted it only now i have chance and its too late to go out for anything meaningful so now im feeling grumpy .Interesting point raised on the duaphine coverage by david millar about people on the ASD spectrum who gravitate to cycling as a means for stress relief .If i dont cycle i get into a cycle of depression .
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