Mundane News

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It's ♻ & Garden Waste Bin Day today.

Only the former here, garden waste is tomorrow. Currently sunny after a chilly night. Ebike battery seller has sent me a message saying its stuck with Dutch customs. Meanwhile the plants I ordered a week last Sunday have apparently been despatched but will they turn up before the weekend or spend it buried on the dark.
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
♻ Bin has bin emptied and returned to it's corner of the garden.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Only the former here, garden waste is tomorrow. Currently sunny after a chilly night. Ebike battery seller has sent me a message saying its stuck with Dutch customs. Meanwhile the plants I ordered a week last Sunday have apparently been despatched but will they turn up before ty6e weekend or spend it buried on the dark.

Are such batteries allowed to be dispatched as 'Normal Post' 📯


Legendary Member
Good morning from a cool & breezy Suffolk where it's clouding over after a sunny start to the day. The first coffee of the day was accompanied by a dark chocolate Hobnob which means that now the pack is open the rest will very quickly disappear.

Today will be grass cutting day once I've given it another couple of hours to dry out after yesterday's rain.


A few solid whacks with a rubber mallet should be enough to release the callipers - assuming discs as opposed to drums.

Thank you they are discs i did think something like that may work.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Very frustrating day with extreme weather changes.
Just now sunny and mild but half an hour ago it was a gale with horizontal rain and this has been the pattern all morning and at a dry sunny bit went out to fold the tarpaulin used to cover my trike for the last couple of weeks.
It was not too wet so folded it to take home but rain came on again before I got it in the car. Aaargh.
Not going triking in that as I don’t like getting it wet and then back in the car again still wet. A normal bike I would be out on as it can get a wipe down before putting in the car but the Kettwiesel e assist trike not really feasible.
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