Mundane News

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I'm thinking a :cuppa: and some toast would be fabby right now.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
First cuppa went down well
Looks a nice day outside for a ride, guess I will settle for just that thought

off work all week and its looking increasingly likely i will not ride till the weekend as im ferrying kids about( mini ck 1 has 2 hospital appointments this week ) and faffing about with the builder.


Itching to get back on my bike's
off work all week and its looking increasingly likely i will not ride till the weekend as im ferrying kids about( mini ck 1 has 2 hospital appointments this week ) and faffing about with the builder.

All part of parenting I am afraid I hung my bike up for the first 7 years of my daughter's life and then bought a tandem so we could ride together


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry so far and I can even see a bit of blue sky so I may actually manage out on the trike today .
My right knee is giving problems tho' which may clear up once I get it moving. This is not yet another new problem as it has caused problems since my teens but mostly is ok and only flares up occasionally.
No idea why it started but I was keen on running while at school so may have been some sport injury which was not noticed at the time.
Apart from trying to get out triking there are no plans for today. Need to go for food shopping but that can wait till Friday.
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