Mundane News

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It turns out that when the Federal weather service is sending messages to your phone saying "Floods throughout south Germany" in bright red it means it...

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We still got to Tübingen though, partly by train (thank goodness for the Deutschland Ticket) and had a great time. Elder Son wants a repeat when we no longer need amphibious bikes...

Hmmmm, you mean you didn't pack the bicycle pedalo attachments? :scratch:


Itching to get back on my bike's
Evening cuppa went down well
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You didn't do the whole distance on two wheels?

Bright red text. We only have black text, unless you go negative and you get white text.

We caught the train for a while, to get past the flooded sections. I know the route, so I knew which bits are close enough to the river to flood.

Arguably, we did the whole distance on two wheels, plus the other fifty or so on the train.

In the end, between riding around Tübingen and some way up the Ammer valley for a while, then across the southern side of Stuttgart back to the apartment, we clocked a respectable 75k.


Leg End Member
We caught the train for a while, to get past the flooded sections. I know the route, so I knew which bits are close enough to the river to flood.

Arguably, we did the whole distance on two wheels, plus the other fifty or so on the train.

In the end, between riding around Tübingen and some way up the Ammer valley for a while, then across the southern side of Stuttgart back to the apartment, we clocked a respectable 75k.
You'll be doing the whole trip on two wheels and pedal power only when the waters recede then?


Legendary Member
First day of work for the week completed. A mostly dry but windy day but I did get my washing dried outside.

Did some grocery shopping after work before going for a breezy 32 mile ride. Only one shower to report.


Legendary Member
Just why do people put stuff up for sale on Ebay with a start price below a reserve price - start the item at the minimum price you want for it :angry:
Now got to wait for it to be re-listed to see what happens.

Radio problem has been sorted - despite various re-scans the stations kept cutting in and out, so I cleared the favourites list and re-saved them and everything is back to normal. I've also restocked my cupboard with squash (3 x 1.5 litre bottles plus a bit of other shopping doesn't half weigh a lot in a backpack) and got everything done before the rain started. Very little else has been done since mid afternoon and I think I've done it very well.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I was doing my on line Asda order, and decided to sillybrate my Bonds win by adding some Ferrero Rocher "choc ices"

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and one of their "sharing" (?) bars of chocolate.

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Has anyone tried these before?

Appreciate you helping the home team. Ferrero has their big US factory in Bloomington, right along Route 66
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