Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
My working day is completed
Posh fish for tea 🍽️


ITs resolution to the laptop issue was to give me an new one and comment of £100 on it connecting to wifi elsewhere. Have a witness to that.
Drizzly at times and the day in the office got off to an immediate disaster as I managed to delete a rather long report with no recovery if it, useless decades old computer ststem. Still they are always better at the second drafting.


I'm so fed up all set to take the camper van for it's MOT only to find it won't move of the drive. The brakes have seized with things they are at home neither of us have the energy to sort it. Not sure what we are going to do it's going to need a mobile mechanic. Both the MOT and tax are expired so had to SORN it anyway. Due to Mrs 73's shifts we'd already written off going away this year. :sad:
Had a lovely luncheon of a toasted ciabatta & roast beef sandwich, a banana, an orange and two :cuppa:

Ended up working on my archive this afternoon. I have almost completed the task of cataloguing my photos / images - there are still a few newcomers to add, both ephemera and downloaded, but I can't see that being more than another half a dozen items. And then that will be it until I acquire new stuff. I will produce a printed copy of the catalogue, as it's easy to grab to reference stuff.

Went to pick up the parental's prescription. Well, I took the parental with me, and she collected it. No problems this time. I'm just glad I didn't get my head bitten off this time.

Now sat down with a :cuppa: and a chocolate biskit.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Frustrating afternoon.
Went out several times between showers to sort out some fittings on the trike but as soon as I got started rain appeared again. Gave up on trying but it has been sunny for the last couple of hours but not going out again today as it is getting pretty cold and trees are cutting off the sun’s rays.
Disaster happening as this house has a septic tank about 10 years old which has sprung a leak due to a crack. New one needed which is described as “ pretty expensive “.
I'm so fed up all set to take the camper van for it's MOT only to find it won't move of the drive. The brakes have seized with things they are at home neither of us have the energy to sort it. Not sure what we are going to do it's going to need a mobile mechanic. Both the MOT and tax are expired so had to SORN it anyway. Due to Mrs 73's shifts we'd already written off going away this year. :sad:

A few solid whacks with a rubber mallet should be enough to release the callipers - assuming discs as opposed to drums.
I hope you threw caution to the wind and actually rode to Tübingen and back.

Sort of.

It turns out that when the Federal weather service is sending messages to your phone saying "Floods throughout south Germany" in bright red it means it...


We still got to Tübingen though, partly by train (thank goodness for the Deutschland Ticket) and had a great time. Elder Son wants a repeat when we no longer need amphibious bikes...


ok back from Lancashire.We did not complete cleaning the house.i did the toilet and bathroom they are a must do.So we changed the bed,Mrs P did the ironing,then we started on the garden.We got about two thirds done according to Mrs P,who blew the whistle and stopped work.The house did not get dusted nor did i hoover the carpets,i have proved my point.Mrs P is in agreement,it's either house or garden we cannot do both.


Leg End Member
Sort of.

It turns out that when the Federal weather service is sending messages to your phone saying "Floods throughout south Germany" in bright red it means it...

View attachment 733015

We still got to Tübingen though, partly by train (thank goodness for the Deutschland Ticket) and had a great time. Elder Son wants a repeat when we no longer need amphibious bikes...
Sort of...
You didn't do the whole distance on two wheels?

Bright red text. We only have black text, unless you go negative and you get white text.
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