Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
That's good bye to yesterday'


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk
Grey ✓
Overcast ✓
Cool ✓

There seems to be something wrong with the BBC national radio DAB multiplex signal as a couple of my radios keep fading in & out, but I can pick up all the other stations - luckily there is one which seems to be able to hold the station I listen to so that's in use until the battery gives up or the signal is restored properly.
One thing I must do today is pop into town and get some orange & mango squash from Tesco as I opened the last bottle from my cupboard yesterday evening.


Vice Admiral
Ernie has been extremely generous with £350. ^_^


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Heavy showers with spells of sunshine.
Off early into Oban to try for a parking space near a barber. Got one but got a different barber who did not seem very customer friendly and he attacked my eyebrows without asking which I did not like. I prefer to keep them as they are.
Back at base got a sunny interval and got the trike into the car without having a trial run due to the inclement weather.
Just as well I came here yesterday as ferries in chaos again. A plumbing problem which will be the same one as caused the observation lounge to get flooded yesterday.
Does not bother me but the Royal Bank mobile bank van has had to cancel todays run due to the cancellations. I wonder if they carry an overnight bag on their weekly trips?
On all my mainland trips I carry an emergency bag and a weeks supply of medication nowadays as a minimum. Never used to be like this in the good old days.
It's a cool and grey day here chez Casa Reynard, with rain imminent.

Did not sleep well. Unlike previous night, I was far too hot, and kept waking up at random times. Ergo I have had a quiet morning, but also made a batch of biscuit dough as mum wants a handmade gift for someone. The dough is currently in the fridge, and I shall turn it into biscuits later.

Just coughed up for two stock car programmes I won in an auction on the 'bay.

That aside, I shall probably spend the remainder of the afternoon writing. Although I do have to go out and pick up the parental's prescription around tea time. Hopefully I shan't get yelled at this time.

Anyways time for luncheon and someone wants their chicken.
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