Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
It must be a ballooning evening!
3 floated past, earlier, at quite low altitude..
That was a very interesting Superbike TT


Not so mundane but..
Walking the dog this morning 5am, found a Voodoo bike, good condition, leant apparently abandoned against a local wall.
Took it home, reported to the Police, put a post on local FB without too much info to deter chancers.
Contacted this evening, perfect details given, young fella great fully collected tonight. He even offered a reward.. declined, just nice to see it get back where it belongs.
Good deed for the day done....

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Maths exam this morning think the management need to sit it. 6 students into 4 papers made an interesting start to being off site Come’s to something when you have to ask the place your at if they will copy the paper for you. The other problem being only have paper work for 4 students too. Good job I know what to do. I did ask when I got back which plank had got the file ready. Not happy one of the students is external so has paid and gets a mess up like this. I did apologise for the stuff up and delay starting. That’s not my job either.

I would have heard about it Til Who Laid The Rails.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
after Jeeping a cpl miles, might have hiked 5 miles (round trip) on the beach yesterday, from about 1/3rd in from the entrance, on that sand spit, to where I was able to launch the kite. that whole stretch on the left side, going off in the distance, has protected birds, so I couldn't launch around them. glad I wore sunscreen!
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Tell The Cape and the Atlantic I love them.
Wheeeeeeee!!! It's Auto Express!!!

OK, I haven't found the article yet, but I've at least managed to match the formatting - and the little symbol at the end of the article - to a publication. That's definitely one headache less.
I've decided to call the swan family the Simpsons. Lisa and Marj are swimming close together whilst Homer is sat on a bank well away from them. I think Homer is a bit clueless. Yesterday I was a bit worried as there were 2 black backed gulls around by the Herring gulls. There is a strange family of geese here. 2 Canada geese with 5 goslings with a third parent , a white goose which is helping looking after the little ones.
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