Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Nice sunny day but still a cold northerly wind.
Got the MV Isle of Mull for a change. Very crowded with day trippers and bus parties.
Crowding made worse by the observation lounge being shut due to flooding. Since this is the top deck I have no idea how they managed that.
Arrived at Craignure in time for an earlier ferry but the standby lane in front of me was too long and I could not get on so just had to wait. Lots of bikes on cars and vans and some who cycled there. Would have been a good run down from Tobermory with a following wind but the traffic on the single track was bad with a constant stream of oncoming cars with no idea how to behave sensibly on single track roads.
Shared the lift with a youngish guy on crutches and I assumed he had taken a tumble yesterday but wrong and he had just had a knee operation which made me a bit uncomfortable as one of my knees is acting up.
Time to feed the cat, and then it will be time to feed me.


Watching an American made 'our planet is in imminent danger of being destroyed.....unless' films, and it occurs to me that the only person who has the knowledge & experience to sort the mess out...... is usually a tall, pretty lass who doesn't look old enough to be out of high school - ! :rofl:
Getting ready for a ride with Elder Son.

The rain seems to have finally stopped, the roads are even dry. We're going to cautiously try riding 100k to Tübingen and back.

The rain had stopped, but the floods were very much still there, to the extent the cycleway wasn't.

We made it to Tübingen and back via a rather roundabout route involving several train journeys and still had a good time. I'll write it up at some point, right now I have an interview tomorrow so I need to get ready; and wash the bike...


Elongated by 2 miles, a 3.5 mile evening Co-op eventually trek. Bit confused by the now vanished road works as the filled in trench stops in the middle of a turning head with no sign of outward connection. Further on they are digging up part of Penny Pot Lane and the only possible link between the two is along a gravel path that is pretty narrow in places
Presume some special narrow path trenching machine is needed.
Discovered free Wi-fi has arrived in the Co-op. Nakd bars (4 pack) were on offer at £2 so the relevant 25p off coupon activated on their app.


Legendary Member
Nice little 35 mile ride out to Stowmarket for lunch under grey skies and into a constant and chilly north westerly breeze, so I think I earned the lunch & drinks. Only just made the local train home due to the mainline one running late and arriving on the opposite platform requiring a quick up & over the footbridge while carrying the bike.
Lovely supper of a roast beef sandwich, some fruit and a :cuppa:

Noticed that my ciabatta was in danger of developing language skills, hence the not cooking. Have to say, it is VERY nice, lightly toasted and slathered in butter :hungry:
Well, the article that's bamboozling me does not appear to be from Autocar & Motor.

While the archive itself is behind a paywall, another site had the complete index for the 1991 print run. And there's nothing in there at all that matches even the partial title. I've also checked the Motor Sport archive (although that was always going to be unlikely), I *know* it's not Autosport else I'd have had it in its entirety, and I'm not sure it's Motoring News as the typesetting doesn't look quite right.

However, I shall endeavour to find the index for that year's Motoring News print run if only to rule things out.

The person who gave me this batch of stuff sourced most of it from A&M and MN, but there are a few bits from national newspapers as well. So right now, goodness knows...


Leg End Member
Instead of jet fighter and helicopters, this evening's excitement was a Hot Air Balloon.

At first I thought it was going to land in someone's back garden, about 100 yards away. They must have gained a lot of height very quickly, and flew over these houses. I think they landed safely on flatter ground about half a mile away.
A few years ago, we'd a hot air balloon forced down on the football pitch*. Less than 70 yards from where I'm sat now.

*Restricted airspace, and forced down by the police helicopter. Police waiting for them on the ground.
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