Mundane News

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A grey, warm and slightly humid feeling day here chez Casa Reynard.

I did not sleep well - for some reason I was just way too cold. So I am feeling a bit like a bear with a sore head. Anyways, I have spent the morning (unsuccessfully) trying to identify a partial article I was given for my collection / scrapbook many years ago. I have a good hunch as to where it was copied from, but I cannot prove it. And unfortunately I am no longer in touch with the person who gave me that article along with a bunch of other copied stuff that was equally out of context. I have managed, over the years, to identify most of what was given to me, but this article eludes me.

This afternoon I plan on chucking some fuel in the mower and giving more of the garden a bit of a haircut. I think I will enjoy being outside, although I will have to tank up on antihistamines as elderflower blossom is one of the things that drives my hayfever.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon and someone wants their chicken.
A lovely luncheon of a seafood salad sandwich, a banana, some raspberries and two :cuppa:

I'm now off to go and cut some grass.
They let you on deck, in the fresh air, during daylight hours!

you mean out of my solitary confinement? :biggrin:

but yes, after you park you are allowed out of your car. this freighter has no interior area for sitting & no snack bar. there were rest rooms in that center body

other "freighters" do have interior seating

the "main" ferries have very large indoor & outdoor seating areas, good, functional Wifi, multiple bathrooms & a snack bar, which includes alcohol. my go-to snack was usually a hot dog & a beer for the 45minute crossing. altho on my last trip a gentleman was getting clam chowder & said it was quite good (the hot dogs are not) there's a very small choice of beer & wine but yesterday I noticed some little bottles of liquor & cans of mixer(s). so I may broaden my drinking experimentation next time out. yesterday afternoon I was wiped out & have a 1.5 ~ 2hr drive home, so I got a large coffee & some Twizzlers


Itching to get back on my bike's
What a surprise Nigel


Afternoon meeting in Skipton and a fat lot of use my work laptop was refusing to connect to the wifi. Thats twice its been away from home or the normal office and been completely useless. IT informed.
Made use of the meeting to visit that unknown superstore locally, a Tesco.
Installed their app yesterday as I noticed the two things in particular not available locally were on reduced clubcard prices.
It was pretty clear run through Ilkley going but still took ages. Coming back Ilkley was its normal crawl to stationary. Still the last time hopefully as the A59 should have reopened before having to go there again.
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We have been in Falmouth for most of the day . We went to Pendennis Castle to watch the yacht racing. There was hardly any wind , the sea was lovely and calm and the movement of the yachts seemed imperceptible! We stayed to watch them for a while and then caught a bus into town . When we returned later in the afternoon the sun had come out and the wind had picked up. It was interesting cto see the big yachts racing. We didn't know who was in the lead but it was nice to see them full of sail going round in the bay.
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