Mundane News

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Well tomorrow is Lancashire again.Two day visit.Monday cleaning house.Plus this time some gardening.Guess what first attack of the garden since August.Guess what happened August to January then followed by vertigo yes my cancer.Guess who is down on his knees weeding for God knows how long.Extended family are sheet.I have nothing but contempt for them.Lazy barstewards.Nobody but nobody has offered to do anything while I have been ill,and I am Not anywhere near fitness yet.I can tell you I am more than passed off.


Leg End Member
Well tomorrow is Lancashire again.Two day visit.Monday cleaning house.Plus this time some gardening.Guess what first attack of the garden since August.Guess what happened August to January then followed by vertigo yes my cancer.Guess who is down on his knees weeding for God knows how long.Extended family are sheet.I have nothing but contempt for them.Lazy barstewards.Nobody but nobody has offered to do anything while I have been ill,and I am Not anywhere near fitness yet.I can tell you I am more than passed off.
Given the above, I sorta of understand where you're coming from.

Don't go overdoing it.


Legendary Member
Three loads of washing done & line dried over the course of the day with the 4th load (towels) now on the clothes horse in the spare room - got to take advantage of this rare good weather. While the second load was being done I went for a bike ride, ending up on Felixstowe seafornt which was rammed with day trippers seemingly determined to do something on the last day of the half term break - needless to say I didn't hang around and later went inland where it was much quieter and more to my liking.
It's a good morning unless you're supposed to be on that boat.

it’s ok I found one for me too


Leg End Member
it’s ok I found one for me too
View attachment 732856
They let you on deck, in the fresh air, during daylight hours!


I saw a very unusual sight on Sunday.
I was outside giving the car a polish and I could here a buzzing noise in the distance.As it got a lot louder I looked up to see a huge swarm of what I could think were bees coming straight over me.
I'm not exaggerating but there was that many,they blocked out the blue sky as they flew over and into the distance.
In all my years I've never seen anything like it before
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