Mundane News

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As we have since we've had dogs on nice sunny days we put a bowl of water out by the back door. As they tend to be outside most of the time. Every time Charlie wants a drink he walks right past his normal bowl and go's outside for a drink. :rolleyes:


Leg End Member
Someone on the local facebook page identified it as that. They could be wrong, of course. It was a "swept back" is that delta? fighter jet.
Anything like this?
maxresdefault (6).jpg

Or the one intended to be the one Clint knocked in Firefox, but the Swedish government said "No".
maxresdefault (7).jpg
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Legendary Member
Nice sixty miles cycled today, taking in a few new roads for me and a trip across the county border and time spent wandering around the ruins of a linen mill which was once a magnificent building. There is a sort of museum about it now which was the reason for my visit but it was closed despite their Facebook page saying they opened Sundays.

On the plus side, I found a fiver around the back of the mill so went to the shop and had a free snack.:becool:

A job for Fred Dibna to bring this down as I can't see it having any other future.:cry:


Vice Admiral
Anything like this?
View attachment 732785
Or the one intended to be the one Clint knocked in Firefox, but the Swedish government said "No".
View attachment 732791

It was travelling at some considerable speed. I think it was grey.


Vice Admiral

The dumbed down camouflage.
Shame on the person who identified it as Saab 45. That's an anti submarine torpedo, made by Saab.

Ooops my apologies!

I should have typed 35, does that make a difference?

Can I go onto Flightradar, and choose to look at planes flying yesterday afternoon? I am guessing that it was headed for the Midland Air show at Ragley Hall, Warwickshire.
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