Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
It's warmed up nicely now. 22°C. Sitting in the sunny garden of the Corner café with a double espresso and a chilled water.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
As with most grassed areas in our area. Our green no longer gets cut much so the grass is about a foot high. Charlie on his early evening potter decided to bulldozer his why though it and not round it. So it now has a Westie shaped trench all the way though it end to end.

I noticed how high our grass along the road has become, apart from those places where people have mown outside their houses.
Fabby luncheon of seafood stick sandwiches, an apple, a banana, some raspberries and two :cuppa:

Sat for half an hour reading in the sun.

I am now making mostly orange, ginger & chilli marmalade. There's a few tangerines and a lemon in there too.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A most miserable day. The fog never lifted and to add further discomfort light rain started so a bit miserable for cycling. To add further insult some at least have had their ferry bookings off island cancelled.
Yesterday was a lovely day and tomorrow is forecast to be nice and sunny as well.
Mooched around the house all day doing nothing useful but reading and a bit of packing for my projected trip.


Legendary Member
We passed a roadsign pointing to Notterbridge!:wacko:
Do the locals tell people? "Best not go down there as Notterbridge is there!"
Is it some flimsy structure or a vast chasm? :wacko:
We had a game in the 60's named hit and run.just slogging at everything,no style or finesse at all.

I remember that and I think it was called French cricket were you had to avoid your legs being hit by the ball.
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