Mundane News

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That was a lucky escape for a baby mute swan! I was looking down at some swans and ducks through my binoculars when black backed gull swooped down and grabbed one of the cygnets and flew off to a grass bank nearby. The gull was trying to kill the cygnet by bashing it on the grass. One of the parents was slow to react before it decided that it would go and sort the gull out . The gull dropped the cygnet which looked dead at first but then started kicking to right itself. It rolled into the brook and swam to join its parent.
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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
So far on my ride out I've discovered riding 400km on an 18kg bike a week before translates into being too early when riding a 7kg bike for 20km. Or I set off far too early and I've recovered from yesterday's time trial better than it seems.

I needed to be in Castleford for 11am, not 10am, so an extra café stop has happened.


Sunny morning, two loads of washing hung out and the shady side of the fence given two coats of tinted varnish aka light oak srain to hopefully match the gate.
Bananas looking too green so a trek to the Co-op for a couple more yellow. Ouch! They have changed to pricing individually rather than weighing like Aldi but 27p each!
Wind gusts a touch strong so think this afternoons cycling will be of the viewing sort.
good morning


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
At last! Some Goldfinches have found our bird feeder!
It's taken 17 months.. We had loads around at our previous house but none here (that I've seen) until yesterday.
Once they tell their chums we might get a lot more, them being quite gregarious 👍
I have the sunflower hearts that they love and Niger seed that nothing eats.
A lovely sunny day here chez Casa Reynard, and it feels nice and warm, too.

Did not sleep well. I was still awake at half five in the morning. I must've eventually dropped off, but it's not great. I have puttered about in the garden a little, but this afternoon, I shall be marmalading.

I have almost completed the task of cataloguing all the photos that are currently in my archive. I've only got a small section of the last file left to do (with the majority of the images remaining likely to be duplicates), plus I need to round up some bits that I still have lying around and / or recently downloaded and not yet processed.

And yes, I *do* have more than I thought I had. Whoops!

I will have plenty more material incoming at some point in the future, as I am currently negotiating with a chap who was (and still is) a pro snappy at Oulton Park for sections of his archive. I already have perhaps a dozen of his photos, but I really like his work and there's always room for more! My book seller / historian friend still has a bunch of FF2000 and F3 stuff, plus he's negotiating to acquire a collection from a former journalist and press officer that will almost certainly have relevant items in there. And then there's a stock car photographer who I am yet to contact - again, I already have some of his photos, but it will be interesting to see what else he can furnish me with.

It's funny really. If the bullies at school hadn't stolen my scrapbook from my bag and wrecked it, I'd have never have put this archive together and become, as a result, the expert in my field. But I was determined not to let them get the better of me. And they haven't. But it's one of the may reasons why they can whistle when it comes to school reunions. There's one upcoming, and let's just say I'd much rather wash my hair and cuddle my cat.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.
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