Mundane News

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Legendary Member
What a good day out that was - if you ignore the cloud, cold northerly breeze and (for some inexplicable reason) all the toilets in the outfield spectator area being locked! Decent grids in all the races along with good close, clean racing was enhanced by entertaining commentary from Marcus Pye and Kieron McGinley with David Addison clearly enjoying himself being let loose in the pit lane & paddock.

On the way out a single random gantry on the A14 was showing the variable speed limit set to 60mph for no visible reason with the next one in clear line of sight at the national speed limit and, as it was still the same on the way home, I'm hoping it was just a glitch as the speed camera flashes were constant. Two weeks ago there was a random stretch of "Queues ahead" messages with the speed limit set to 50mph - on a quiet, clear, low traffic Sunday morning in the same area.


Legendary Member
Is it that time already? :wacko:
Bright sunshine streaming in through the windows at the moment. It's a bit blinding reflecting off the sea .


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Foggy morning but it may burn off in time for the participants in the sportif to see where they are.
At least they will not suffer from too much heat as yesterday was strangely warm and sunny.
The fog will be a danger on some sections of singletrack as drivers tend to trust to luck and hopefully good brakes. There are notices prominently displayed warning drivers to be vigilant but I wonder how many read them if they actually see them.
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