Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Nice sunny day so had a walk for some exercise and then sat in the sun for a couple of hours watching the world go past.
The one who was castigating the lorry driver for giving the location of otters has been put in her place. The lorry driver retaliated by publishing a picture of the location with a prominent notice board in the relevant car park put there by the local otter fanatics.
Some years ago we had a large van appear with otter hounds to hunt and probably kill otters. This was not very popular with anybody and they went to our local garage for fuel for the van. Garage owner came out and chatted to them and while admiring their van asked how many mpg they got. On being told 20ish he then said he would sell them one gallon which would be enough to get to the ferry. They went before the vigilantes arrived.
The vigilantes mention is not a joke and plod on occasion had to use blues and twos to get somebody before the mob did.


Itching to get back on my bike's
TT done - last-ish to finish (they 'lost' a rider), but far from slowest and a PB on the course by 2 minutes.

And I appear to have bought a bike which I'd bid on previously. Details when I hopefully collect on Monday evening.

Well done on pb and another bike


All at sea⛵
Well, you have to have s plan so it can be changed
Train to Margate quite full. Two bikes added to the fullness.
Margate the wind is blowing a gale. Change of plan and direction.

Sought shelter in a nice Turkish restaurant in Minster. More decisions about next stage.

Continuing, generous and calorie laden lunch at the Turkish restaurant. Pretty waitress, wished I'd paid more attention at my Turkish lessons. Yes, my employer encouraged me to develop our business there.
Moving on.

Having successfully found a route from Margate to Minster a new plan was necessary.
Made our way to Ramsgate and 'spoons. The most glamorous of the chain that I have visited.
Pause for old times sake and wander along the coast.
Two challenges arose along the coast at Symptom.
First I become aware that between lunch and the 'spoons interlude I have consumed 2 pints of liquid. Everyone knows what happens next. Eventually a quiet corner and I avoided being charged under one of the many local bylaws that I must have broken.
The goal was to get back to Margate for a rendezvous with South Eastern.
About 10 km from Margate a member of the party announces that her battery monitor is not working.

Me Why?
Her There's only two blobs alight
Me Does that mean your battery is flat?
Her Could be, I've used the bike a lot this week.
Me How far can you normally cycle on two blobs?
Her I don't know
Me What's the full range of your battery?
Her I don't know.
Me Do you think you've got enough for 10k to Margate and the 4km from the station to home?
Her I don't know. How far is a kilometer anyway?

The free and frank exchange concluded with us getting a train from a station that was 250m away.

The battery finally expired about 250 m from home.
Summary about 40k, some good bits along the seashore, urban ticky tacky estates, shared paths and narrow busy lanes.
The Peugeot 1008 seems to have been today's car of the day - not a compliment.

That was my day out
Here is a view from the bit outside.



Leg End Member
It’s our wedding anniversary today , 23 years We’ve had a few bumps along the way but we’ve held on.
Silver Plate...

Thanks. Not sure where I'll put the bike, but I'd been watching it at an auction house but got outbid. It's been slowly going down in price on eBay, to below where it sold at originally, and today I bid.

It's not just bikes where you see that happen on the 'bay. Been there with stuff I've bought too. People can be just a bit too optimistic, sometimes. And so if you sit tight, you can still end up bagging what you want at a more sensible price.
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