Mundane News

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Legendary Member
I was wrong about the ferry problems this morning as there are now reports or complaints about massive queues for Fishnish/Lochaline and resulting long waiting times.

On a serious note the hospitals are putting out warnings about ticks and Lyme disease which is pretty dire by all accounts. If wild camping in Scotland be sure to have tick removal tools and get rid of them asap as you will not avoid them.
I may put this out on another thread as well.

I heard it seems to be particularly bad this year. Hate them. Horrible little things.


All at sea⛵
Rumours circulating locally suggest there will be a 'raid' attempt at a daylight clockwise navigation of the Isle of Thanet.

The team have secretly waited at base camp for some time expecting a suitable weather window.
The team's head is quoted as saying "today seems to offer the best chance before the weather breaks."
After minutes of planning and less training the party will launch their attempt later this morning.
For security reasons details are being kept to a minimum.
It's understood the small, dedicated party are making this attempt without a support team. This is a daring move, typical of this group.
They have chosen the less than reliable South Eastern as their logistic support to provide access to the start zone.
Currently Birchington is rumoured to be the launch point.
This type of daring, freestyle approach went out of fashion as more technology became involved in this type of cycle based exploration.
As a concession they have agreed to carry a paper Ordnance Survey map with them.
We cannot confirm if flasks of tea and jam sandwiches will be taken.
Rumours at base camp suggest they may go lightweight and rely on sustenance dumps, known locally as 'spoons, to provision the whole undertaking.
This will give them access to local delicacies in an area renowned as a culinary desert.
Additionally it will provide a chance to meet and study the indigenous, closely related, peoples of this region.
More news as it might happen......

Well, you have to have s plan so it can be changed
Train to Margate quite full. Two bikes added to the fullness.
Margate the wind is blowing a gale. Change of plan and direction.

Sought shelter in a nice Turkish restaurant in Minster. More decisions about next stage.


The long spells of drizzle transpired to be long spells of sun. Thankfully most people are better at their jobs than weather forecasters. Pretty noticeable wind however.
A fence and the shed patch treated with the remains of the previous stain treatment as the light oak I had put on the gate has merely acted as a varnish.
Another spell of lawn weed removal and looks like another box of patchfix needed.


I was wrong about the ferry problems this morning as there are now reports or complaints about massive queues for Fishnish/Lochaline and resulting long waiting times.

On a serious note the hospitals are putting out warnings about ticks and Lyme disease which is pretty dire by all accounts. If wild camping in Scotland be sure to have tick removal tools and get rid of them asap as you will not avoid them.
I may put this out on another thread as well.

It's becoming a real issue , recent studies of ticks found on dog has shown. The different type of ticks is growing as is the different type of diseases they carry. It also showed types once only found only in Europe once only found in south coast are more wide spread across England than thought.
This is what the UK Health Security Agency has to say.
Just today the Yorkshire Dales National Park put this tweet out



Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
It's becoming a real issue , recent studies of ticks found on dog has shown. The different type of ticks is growing as is the different type of diseases they carry. It also showed types once only found only in Europe once only found in south coast are more wide spread across England than thought.
This is what the UK Health Security Agency has to say.
Just today the Yorkshire Dales National Park put this tweet out


I think the ones carrying a worse disease are spreading northwards quite rapidly. Cannot remember the name of the disease but it is worse than lyme disease and so far difficult to treat as little is known about it in this country.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
It’s our wedding anniversary today , 23 years We’ve had a few bumps along the way but we’ve held on.

Happy Anniversary 💐


Legendary Member
It's becoming a real issue , recent studies of ticks found on dog has shown. The different type of ticks is growing as is the different type of diseases they carry. It also showed types once only found only in Europe once only found in south coast are more wide spread across England than thought.
This is what the UK Health Security Agency has to say.
Just today the Yorkshire Dales National Park put this tweet out


They've put up a lot of information boards and warning signs around my local National Park regarding tick bites. It's only something they've done in the past few years so must be more of a problem nowadays.
A mild and mostly grey day here chez Casa Reynard, though it was sunny earlier.

I slept really well despite a very odd dream about inflatable racing cars, and I slept a solid eleven hours. Meaning I only woke up just before lunchtime. Whoops! I had been expecting to not sleep very well at all, as I've been cataloguing a part of my archive that always makes me feel very uncomfortable, ergo I rarely look at it.

That aside, I've actually managed to accomplish a good bit. I did a load of laundry, the crock pot is locked and loaded with the tomato sauce required for tonight's supper creation, and another cheese-based element has been also made and is good to go. We're going all-in poncy Italian tonight here. :mrpig: And I've also cooked the fruit for tomorrow's marmalade making.

Also watched the Derby. Of the two horses I had picked out, one finished second, and the other unseated his rider right at the start.

Anyways, it is time for a :cuppa: and a biskit.
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