Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where yet again it's a dull, grey, overcast and cool start to the day. The first coffee of the day has just been finished and a bowl of porridge is about to go into the microwave for breakfast. Then it's a case of making a flask of coffee, packing a small lunch bag and off to Silverstone for the day.


Itching to get back on my bike's
First cuppa brewing
Dry underfoot milky colour sky


Sunny start but now clouding over with long spells of drizzle predicted:sad: Waitrose shopped, still newspapers in trolleys but I did subsequently find the actual newspaper stand amongst the aisles. Their new self service tills fail to scan a second identical item, you have to scan something else in-between. An assistant said it had been reported.
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Legendary Member
And the answer is rectangular!


Why do cafés always put beans in those silly bowls?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Nice sunny morning so far.
No reports of ferry problems so we must have the bigger boat back tho' I have not looked at the Calmac official site.
Nothing particular planned but probably go for a walk up the road by my house which leads to a bit with enormous trees which always seem very scenic to me. It used to be the way to the Procurator Fiscal's house in the 1800's but we no longer have that status as most local government functions are now removed.
When I came to live and work here we still had a Provost and Town Council as well as a Magistrates Court but that has all been reorganised out of existence. We are still a town tho' even with a population of about 1000.


Legendary Member
I'm just having a quick look through my Spam folder. My package is out for delivery, my Amazon account has been suspended, my Netflix payment is due, my card has been declined, I've won something in an online casino, I need to update my bank details and beautiful Ukrainian women are looking for me.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I'm just having a quick look through my Spam folder. My package is out for delivery, my Amazon account has been suspended, my Netflix payment is due, my card has been declined, I've won something in an online casino, I need to update my bank details and beautiful Ukrainian women are looking for me.

A company called Shein is desperate to get in touch with me. 8 of the 18 emails in my spam folder are from them.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I was wrong about the ferry problems this morning as there are now reports or complaints about massive queues for Fishnish/Lochaline and resulting long waiting times.

On a serious note the hospitals are putting out warnings about ticks and Lyme disease which is pretty dire by all accounts. If wild camping in Scotland be sure to have tick removal tools and get rid of them asap as you will not avoid them.
I may put this out on another thread as well.
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