Mundane News

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It is sunny here with clear blue sky. Looks a bit breezy.
I have put our bins out.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Misty round the edges but at least not raining.
How often do you look yourself in the eye?
Statistically not very often apparently as I discovered yesterday. Nurse greeted me with the comment " you have a red eye" which I had never noticed despite standing in front of a large mirror in the morning doing various ablutions.

Wildlife afficionados going nuts. Loch Scridain yesterday lined with cars and people out chasing otters to get the "best" photograph. Some dressed in camouflage gear apparently and a passing lorry driver said it looked like something out of Dad's Army.
It is illegal to disturb otters apparently and some others are angry they did not get photos of the disturbers to send to the police.
They need to get some tame ones to pose for pictures like the sea eagles which are fed from a boat and come down obligingly.
There used to be one otter living under the pontoons at the marina and another which came up the Mishnish pier steps, trotted accross the road and up into the woods. Not afraid of people obviously but we had fewer nut cases then.
Calmac have another broken down boat so our one has been taken away to go to Coll and Tiree. A small one replaces it with resultant chaos and the queue for Fishnish/Lochaline is already out of control. :ohmy:
I was just reading a bit about a Boeing 737 800 which did a bit of low flying leaving Lulsgate airport. It seems to be treated as just one of those things! I wonder how the passengers took it looking out of the windows to to see the expressions on people's faces in the cars below as they passed low over the A38?


Legendary Member
Good morning from a very wet, windy and chilly Suffolk. The direction of the wind means that it makes a bit of a noise round my bedroom window which woke me overnight and it was so cold that I had to put a dressing gown over the duvet to act as a blanket for warmth. Hopefully the rain will also stop (or at least ease) so that I can go out and get the food for tomorrow's outing.

I'm currently just wasting time until online ticket sales for yet another gig open at 10:00 which means yet more expense - ERNIE had better be good to me next week.
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