Mundane News

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Leg End Member
Lidl are doing the stand-up paddle boards next week - I hope I don't need to buy one in advance of my next visit up there at the end of July.
I'd get one. You could take a trip on the Leeds-Liverpool!


Legendary Member
Boyracers are converting petrol into noise again.

Pass me my 12 bore!


Leg End Member
Boyracers are converting petrol into noise again.

Pass me my 12 bore!
You used to an "overunder"?
Have spent the evening cataloguing Formula 3000 photos. It's tedious work, because a lot of these have been published multiple times, and if you pardon the pun, I need to keep track of stuff.

And I'm really losing patience with Sutton and LAT, because much of the stuff I've acquired from them (around 60 photos in total) is wrongly identified on their own damn website. Given that my archive is listed in strict chronological order, those mistakes don't half jump out at you.

As a result, I am in dire need of a :cuppa: and the penultimate custard doughnut. I have a second bag, also labelled "Jam Doughnuts" but until I lay into those, it's a bit like Schrodinger's Cat. I won't know whether they're jam or custard until I bite into one.
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