Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Nice sunny day mostly with a passing cloud from time to time.
Went to the chemist to collect a prescription but half of it missing. The lorry broke down on the way to Oban yesterday so nothing came over.
In addition there was a major computer breakdown which meant no prescriptions came from the surgery so the changes to my meds cannot take place either.
On the other hand I mentioned an eye problem and the pharmacist came out and gave me a handful of various eye drops I use anyway.
Next the garage to find out if my replacement bits had arrived. Closed but no idea why.

The queue at Fishnish and Lochaline is now half a mile long and at least a 2 hour wait at Corran ferry. Somebody tried to take the even longer way round via Kilchoan but failed as a small ferry is on and was completely full.
I hope they get the debacle sorted in time for the sportif on Sunday as a lot will be coming from the mainland and passenger numbers are currently severely restricted and bikes may have a problem.
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I still love the quip Michael Cohen made, referring to him as a Cheeto dusted cartoon villain. Even liars get to a greater truth at times.

That one made me giggle too, when I heard it. :giggle:

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Another damp leg stretch. A little over 5km.



I don't know why,but i am feeling so happy today,no worries no doubts no problems.Got a couple of bargains while out shopping which is good when you are a Yorkshireman.A great price on a new wallet,a Leeds United badge from the United shop and a bit of haggling with a mobile phone shop owner and got three quid off a case,the case is a beauty.


One of the straps and the carry handle on my rucsac came loose so initially I glued it back. Not a success. :wacko:
So got the sewing kit out. One broken and one bent needle later, decided I need a stronger needle. Looked on Amazon and so much 'great stuff' to offer, but at a price. So dropped into my local independent haberdashery shop, presented the offending rucsac and came away with two very stout looking sailmakers needles.
Price - ? 40p. ^_^
Another good reason for supporting independent shops. :okay:


Dreary day until WAH finished and the sun came out. Immediate Aldi trek with the addition of Pets at Home en route for a new suet ball feeder that hopefully stays together. By lunchtime the main barrel of the current rather elderly one was on the lawn. Aldi was almost clean out of salad leaves, if those reduced with todays date were ignored. Managed to find a bag dated for Sunday.
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After a nice afternoon walk in park just me, Charle and birds company. I made a start on putting the car stuff in the new car and getting the back seat set up for Charlie. No real cleaning inside needed as it's spotless. I did clean the steering wheel though boy was that mucky. One reason why I like to clean it often.
Off out for a early evening walk round the block as it's still nice and sunny out.


ok now the vertigo has settled down,one month without an attack.I have checked the info on the pills and i can have a drink :hyper:.So tonight i will open a small whisky which Mrs P bought in October to celebrate or to drown my sorrows over the cancer.Well as you know it is to celebrate.So i will raise a glass and amongst other things to say thank you for.I will remember you lot.Yes thank you for all your postings of support.Tomorrow i am going to Aldi and get two bottles of dark ale for Saturday night's celebration.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
ok now the vertigo has settled down,one month without an attack.I have checked the info on the pills and i can have a drink :hyper:.So tonight i will open a small whisky which Mrs P bought in October to celebrate or to drown my sorrows over the cancer.Well as you know it is to celebrate.So i will raise a glass and amongst other things to say thank you for.I will remember you lot.Yes thank you for all your postings of support.Tomorrow i am going to Aldi and get two bottles of dark ale for Saturday night's celebration.

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