Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Got a frothy coffee.


Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Round local lakes in rain



Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry day so far but I can see rain clouds over Morvern and down the Sound.
We have got a new helicopter pad but the report does not tell us where it is. Probably at the local hospital but they land here for medivacs at the golf course and further down the island at the airport near Salen.
The hospital is built at the most inaccessible place they could find unless you have a car and when it was built there were all sorts of allegations flying around regarding the choice of site. Many people who raised money to help with the project before the site was chosen were outraged.
About a mile from the bus terminus but the service bus does call. Problem is that it is always full particularly in summer so no chance of getting on. Taxi would cost about £100.
Spent the morning at the surgery to get chest pains investigated. I think it is gastric reflux but better to be sure. Again problems as only one locum doctor on who is harassed but my wee pal nurse Debbie is ready with her ecg machine. Result seems ok so still a bit confused but medication changed a bit and she would like me over to Oban to get a camera shoved down my throat again. Since it is only a year since the last one I resist this idea.
Life gets complicated as everything starts to break down.
It started off as a grey but mild day here chez Casa Reynard, but then I watered all the planters, and it's been hosing it down with rain since. So my apologies to those in this neck of the woods.

Slept well, but it wasn't as restful as I'd have liked, thanks to some rather strange dreams. Spent the morning writing, and had a lovely luncheon of a salami sandwich, plus a banana, a pear and some lovely ripe mango. And two :cuppa: of course.

After luncheon I potted on the parsley and mint that I bought in Tesco at the weekend, and then watered everything. That then kiboshed the idea of carrying on doing stuff outside, so I changed plans, triaged all my citrus fruit, and all the tired-looking oranges, tangerines and the odd lemon have been cut up in order to make a batch of marmalade.

I am now sitting down with a :cuppa: prior to sorting out some supper.
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