Mundane News

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There's a small Morrisons shop nearby. They have a trolley adjacent to the checkout with the stuff that is on short date and reduced in price. Waiting to pay for my loaf I glanced down and saw they had 250ml cans of Tanqueray Gin and Tonic on offer. It has a " Best Before " date of June. Price £1.00 😮. There's now a case of a dozen sitting in my fridge. The lady on the checkout was surprised that I purchased so many and told me " We've got a load more that have a " best before " of July, they'll be on offer in the next week or two " 😎

Rule of Acquisition 33 - always take advantage of a good yellow sticker bargain.


Leg End Member
I found a 3-year old Easter egg today. As befits a chucky egg, I chucked it.

There were 44 unread emails in my inbox this afternoon. On a 5 mile bus journey, I'd got it down to 3 unread before I pinged the stop. button.
There may have been a chicken willing to take it off your hands. Simply to impress it's owner who thinks it's not fulfilling its weekly egg quota.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
You do realise that photos are compulsory!



Leg End Member
The jam doughnuts that I bought on yellow sticker are in fact custard doughnuts.

I like custard doughnuts, but I really fancied jam doughnuts, which is why I bought them in the first place. I mean you'd expect a bag labelled "Jam Doughnuts" to have jam doughnuts in there...
Might have been the reason for them being yellow stickered in the first place.
You could always take the remaining* ones back, pointing out there's no jam in them

*There are some remaining to take back!

Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
The jam doughnuts that I bought on yellow sticker are in fact custard doughnuts.

I like custard doughnuts, but I really fancied jam doughnuts, which is why I bought them in the first place. I mean you'd expect a bag labelled "Jam Doughnuts" to have jam doughnuts in there...

So you would think but I got offered some yellow sticker supermarket crisps the other day, Nice looking sea salt and balsamic vinegar....

They were clearly cheese and onion which I very much dislike.

happy trailz!


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
The jam doughnuts that I bought on yellow sticker are in fact custard doughnuts.

I like custard doughnuts, but I really fancied jam doughnuts, which is why I bought them in the first place. I mean you'd expect a bag labelled "Jam Doughnuts" to have jam doughnuts in there...

Maybe they were Custard to match the sticker colour?
BTW. I'm up


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Showery day forecast.
The Sportif is on this Sunday and the organiser tells us there are over 400 entries with either a long course or a short course on offer.
Drivers are asked to be patient meeting or overtaking lots of cyclists but reading the tales from the Outer Hebs. it seems a bit unlikely and the common factor is overcrowding of everything including roads.
The finish at the main car park will be "interesting" but I will not be venturing anywhere on Sunday. I used to be involved but nowadays sadly not fit enough.
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