Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Your lot working extra extra overtime? Mine was delayed till today because of the bank holiday.
Bird feeder half empty, thought the birds might be less addicted to the mealworm block but obviously not.

Nope. Only difference seems to be around 🎅 🤶 time.


Made early morning trip to M&S since it moved out of town can't just call in as I did. Needed a anniversary card for Mrs 73. Spotted a certain beagle card so came out with her birthday card for next year. oh and a penguin your a star blank card. For when she starts her new job next month. Bagged some nice jersey royals on yellow sticker for me, a chocolate mouse and Colin the caterpillar desert for Mrs 73.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I've a bid on the Trek 2200 that's on eBay. But ... it's from someone I know splits bikes for parts and then sells them separately. I've bought parts from them for several projects.

I could have done that, but the bike's in too nice a condition.

Seller picked up the bike on Tuesday. And parts of it are already listed on eBay; they've done what I suspected and stripped it. Given it was completely original, including matching branded bar tape I'd found, that's disappointing.

However, I've bought some parts from them before so am complicit in what they're doing, although the line I'd got was that they were from insurance-damaged bikes rather than complete ones.

Oh, and my RH monitor just went "pop" so I've had to replace it temporarily with one from the 2nd office upstairs. I think there's another monitor in the attic that I'll look for later. That's the one SWMBO uses for work meetings, so she'll be wondering where her screen's gone when she comes home.

Technically we've also got a 3rd office in the conservatory, but the desk my university bought is full of bike parts and the computer's used for my smart turbo and bike on the other side.
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Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where it's currently grey, overcast, breezy & cool and drying up after a little bit of overnight rain. Very little done so far today and even less planned for later which is just how I like it. Day two of the County Show which means if I do go out later, I'll have to come via a different route as a lot of the car parks feed onto the back road I normally use.


Legendary Member
Seller picked up the bike on Tuesday. And parts of it are already listed on eBay; they've done what I suspected and stripped it. Given it was completely original, including matching branded bar tape I'd found, that's disappointing.

However, I've bought some parts from them before so am complicit in what they're doing, although the line I'd got was that they were from insurance-damaged bikes rather than complete ones.

Oh, and my RH monitor just went "pop" so I've had to replace it temporarily with one from the 2nd office upstairs. I think there's another monitor in the attic that I'll look for later. That's the one SWMBO uses for work meetings, so she'll be wondering where her screen's gone later.

Technically we've also got a 3rd office in the conservatory, but the desk my university bought is full of bike parts and the computer's used for my smart turbo and bike on the other side.

Complete bikes often fetch less than the parts will and then the frame will be worth nearly as much as the complete bike was, modern economics. Most of my blkes have Brooks saddles which when removed and sold separately will be worth about half of what the complete bike would fetch, ditto the cranks and mechs

Moon bunny

Judging your grammar
sleep well? wake well? we have an expression here. pushing up daisies means dead & buried
View attachment 732238

The last time I saw a grave that shallow I was looking over my shoulder every few seconds as I dug it.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
A young woman just called to check my front door. I now know that it's an FD60, while the corridor fire doors are FD30. She thought my intumescent strip was pretty neat. Oh, and we both discovered that I can set my door to self-close. Which, of course, I don't want because it would be a pain getting things in and out of the flat.

I had a nostalgia moment with her, harking back to the days when doors were pretty simple open and shut affairs on hinges.
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